Anaesthetic ARCP Checklist HERE
This is for all ICM Trainees whether they are Single Stream or Dual. The New Curriculum ICM checklist can also be found on the ICM pages. It is the checklist for the ICM component of your training year. If you are a Dual ICM trainee you may well have a "non-ICM" component to your ARCP, and this may require an additional checklist (e.g. the Anaesthesia one above).
Academic Trainee Progress Report
Academic trainees are expected to submit this report as part of the ARCP process.
Trainees who are remaining on the 2010 curriculum should use the pre-Covid National ARCP checklist which can be found here
Guidance for ARCP requirements during the transition between the 2010 and 2021 curricula can be found here
Any queries, please see the comprehensive advice on the RCoA Training Hub or speak to your college tutor, TPD or HoS.