Specialty Training Rotation Structure
From recruitment August 2018 onwards
For the last few years the Specialist Training Committee of the Yorkshire and the Humber School of Anaesthesia has made changes to the Speciality training rotations. The reasons for these changes are to try and ensure more even trainee distribution whilst also broadening access to regional training opportunities and sharing teaching and training best practice. This has meant that trainees will now have rotations that feature a period of time out of their “hub”, though the majority of their training will still be within a limited geographic area.
We have seen real benefits to this process in terms of standardisation in approach to paperwork and ARCP, better staffing in areas, and positive feedback about the broader range of training received. However, we are aware that there are down sides to change too. After each change, the School has attempted to assess the impact on the trainee body and the School as a whole, with the intention of making additional improvements. For example, trainee feedback indicated that having a planned rotation which gave the location of placements at the start of the programme would allow forward planning of training, geography, housing and modern life. Consequently, the School has been publishing 4 year rotations at the recruitment stage so that trainees will know their planned rotation location even before they start.
With the Aug 2020 recruitment round we have made further changes in direct response to trainee feedback.
- We have acted on feedback from trainees who stated they would prefer their more distant training to occur later in their rotation. There is now a choice between rotations where the more distant training occurs early, and those where it occurs later.
- Trainee and TPD feedback has suggested that non-Tertiary training opportunities should also be shared, therefore some of the new rotations feature exposure to smaller hospitals too.
- Trainees and TPDs have suggested that 12 months continuously in more distant locations can be difficult, therefore we have tried to spread out the opportunities as two six month bocks, between placements in closer locations
- Trainees have suggested specific mixes of hospitals in rotations that we had previously not considered. We have tried to write these rotations too, e.g. featuring DRI and Hull.
We are mindful of the new RCoA Curriculum just around the corner, hence we have tried not to make large, sweeping changes that may be counter to the new Curriculum. Equally, we have only been able to issue 3-year rotations on this occasion as the effect the new Curriculum will have beyond 2022 is still not clear.
The School, and HEE as a whole, recognise the impact of long distance travel and lengthy commutes on trainee wellbeing, and tries very hard to minimise this. Some of the changes mentioned above are directly related to this. In addition, we have pushed for the improvements in rest facilities and mileage claims, as well as more transparent advertising of these resources. We will continue to monitor and improve the situation.