Out of Programme Activity (OOP)
The School of Anaesthesia and Intensive Care Medicine (ICM) supports resident doctors who wish to take time Out of Programme (OOP) to enhance their professional development. Out Of Programme time can take various forms and is only possible with prior approval from the Postgraduate Dean. It is strongly recommended that you discuss your OOP request with your Training Programe Director (TPD) before applying.
As a trainee taking an OOP, it will impact the training rotation for not just you, but for other trainees, potentially affecting recruitment. Therefore, we advise you to apply for OOP as early as possible to increase your chances of a successful application. OOP is generally discouraged during core-level training, but may be granted under certain circumstances. Trainees undergoing OOP will still be required to contribute towards the ARCP process. See the NHSE useful links page for a full application timeline.
Training (OOP-T): A period of training outside the School, but obtaining competencies applicable toward your CCT. GMC approval of the training MUST be obtained in advance, and the planned post must already be part of another training scheme. Your CCT date may not change.
Experience (OOP-E): An opportunity to gain professional skills that will enhance your future practice, but are not part of the school core curriculum. This could include enhancing skills in medical leadership, academia, medical education or patient safety, or enhancing clinical skills related to, but not part of the curriculum. Such experience may benefit the doctor (e.g. working in a different health environment/country) or may help support the health needs of other countries (e.g. with Médecins Sans Frontières, Voluntary Service Overseas, global health partnerships) OOPE will not contribute towards CCT in anaesthetics or ICU therefore CCT date will almost always be extended.
Research (OOPR): Undertaking a period of research leading to an MD or PhD. Some of this time may contribute to CCT in anaesthetics or ICM. Time taken out for research purposes is normally for a higher degree (e.g. a PhD, MD or Master’s degree) and will not normally exceed three years. OOPR exceeding three years will need the specific prospective approval of the Postgraduate Dean. Trainees in their final year of training will not normally be granted OOPR.
Career Break (OOP-C): Taking a planned career break. Planned OOPC will permit a trainee to step out of the training programme for a designated and agreed period of time to pursue other interests (e.g. domestic responsibilities, work in industry, developing talents in other areas and entrepreneurship). It is generally not ideal to be used to manage health issues which ought to be managed via the lead employer’s occupational health department where possible.
Pause (OOP-P): This form of OOP may be utilised when a Trainee wishes to take time out of their Specialty (a “pause”), and during this time undertake work outside the training environment in NHS-related work. e.g., to work in a different Specialty or in a non-training post. Competencies gained during the OOP-P may be recognised upon re-entry to training at the next ARCP.
Doctors in training are required to obtain formal approval from the Postgraduate Dean (PGD) to take time out of a clinical training programme whilst retaining their national training number. Applications should be submitted at least six-months prior to the intended start date.
A trainee whose annual review of progress is deemed unsatisfactory or with unmet objectives identified at their ARCP will not normally be granted a period of OOP. Time out of programme will not normally be agreed until a trainee has been in a training programme for a least one year, and will not normally be granted in the final six months of a training programme.
A trainee's CCT date will be extended in line with their time out of programme. If a trainee wishes for some, or all, of their training to count towards their CCT, approval will be required from their Royal College and from the GMC/GDC prior to commencement of the OOP.
Additional GMC information can be found HERE
OOP Guidance can be found on the NHSE USEFUL LINKS page.