Workforce, training and education
Yorkshire and Humber

The Deanery is aware of the following:

· Many Postgraduate Doctors and Dentists in Training (PGDiTs) feel they are not well informed about the process of raising concerns.
· Many experience barriers in the process.
· The greatest perceived barriers are the impact of professional relationships and fear of repercussions.

Many PGDiTs feel that a raised concern is not given due consideration and attention. Additionally few receive feedback on a raised concern and/or receive an update on the outcome 

The following information aims to provide PGDiT training with practical information in this area. However it is important to recognise this information is a guide.

What is a concern?

In this context a concern is anything that is compromising care, for example patient safety, staff health and staff, support, training, culture.  It can relate to clinical practice but also involve the systems, policies and/or procedures of the organisations doctors and dentists work in. What is regarded as concern is a matter judgement for the healthcare worker and a concern can involve more than one aspect. Further information including videos can be found here.

When to raise a concern?

Concerns should always be raised in a timely fashion and not stored up to be reported in an annual training survey

Support for raising a concern

Raising a concern can be a daunting and challenging prospect. It can also have multiple consequences. The following resources can help provide support at this time:

• General Medical Council’s advice on ‘Speaking Up
• The Professional Support Team at NHSE YH (offer personal and professional support including health and wellbeing issues)

The Deanery can always be contacted with concerns, communication is best done by email. The various contacts can be found here here