International Medical Graduate Resources for Educators and Trusts
National IMG Induction Guidance
The Welcoming and Valuing International Medical Graduates Guidance sets out the minimum standards for effective induction and support. It explains why induction is vital for new IMGs and describes in detail what Trusts should provide in terms of a welcome and pastoral induction, professional practice induction, IT and electronic patient record systems induction, and language & communication induction. The document also includes additional information for HR departments. This guidance is supplemented by an e-learning module.
International Recruitment Toolkit
The International Recruitment Toolkit is for colleagues involved in leading and delivering international recruitment in the NHS. It aims to encourage and enable good practices and processes for the recruitment of international staff across a wide range of professions.
International Retention Toolkit
NHS Employers have also developed an International Retention Toolkit which outlines good practice principles and actions that can be taken to retain international staff, support them to thrive in the NHS and build lasting careers.
WelcomInG Form
The WelcomInG Form should be completed by the IMG and their Clinical or Educational Supervisor at their first meeting. It helps the Supervisor to understand the IMG’s cultural background and upbringing, the medical training they have completed so far and the clinical skills that they need to work on. In turn, this helps the IMG, as the supervisor will understand their unique situation better and, through a needs analysis, will be able to provide them with the support they need for clinical and non-clinical needs.
Facilitating Reflective Practice
The Academy of Medical Royal Colleges has produced a Guide for Supervisors to Facilitate Reflective Practice, which you may find beneficial when encouraging IMGs to participate in regular reflection exercises.
Tips for Supporting IMGs
The Royal College of Emergency Medicine provides guidance on supporting overseas doctors, a large proportion of which can be developed and applied to all training specialties.
The Bradford GP Medical Training Website, Bradford VTS, has a range of useful documents and information that provide guidance for educators on how they can best support IMGs and understand their experiences, written by IMGs. Whilst written specifically by IMGs in General Practice, the majority of support principles apply to all specialties.