Annual Review of Competency Progression (ARCP)
An updated guide for "how to pass your ARCP" has been produced by Helen Stanworth. This has been optimised for the new ICM LLP portfolio. This is a fantastic resource and answers the majority of questions about how to get through your ARCP as easily as possible.
Download the ARCP Guide HERE
For your ARCP you are advised to complete a checklist. The FICM checklist is rather sparse so the school has developed its own available below. We recommend that you download it in advance of your ARCP, work through it with your ES, and upload the completed checklist onto the document store on your LLP.
Download the ARCP Checklist HERE
ARCP Process
The ARCP Panel usually consists of at least one Training Programme Director and a minimum of two other trainers, such as Educational Supervisors and/or College tutors. In addition, there are certain circumstances where the Head/Deputy Head of School or an Associate Postgraduate Dean will be present. A proportion of ARCP panels may also have a lay representative present.
At the end of the ARCP process, the panel will issue an outcome. For trainees within the training programme, the following ARCP outcomes may be issued:
Outcome 1: Progressing as expected. Trainee anticipated to move on to their next training module.
Outcome 2: Development of specific competencies required, but no additional training time needed. Trainee is anticipated to move on to their next training module, but may require some additional competencies or training exposure during this period.
Outcome 3: Inadequate progress by trainee, additional training time required. This is for trainees who have specific training requirements that cannot be obtained without extra training time, often trainees who haven't yet passed the FICM exam and are not eligible to move into the next training phase without it. They may be given extra time ("on an extension") to obtain this missing component (e.g. the exam). The trainee's CCT date is likely to be extended.
Outcome 4: Trainee leaves the training programme without completion of training.
Outcome 5: Incomplete evidence presented. ie. the panel cannot make a judgement on whether a trainee is progressing or not, because the required evidence is not available, this also includes missing Form R (Part B).
Outcome 6: Gained all required competencies and successfully completed the training programme
If it is determined a trainee is likely to receive an outcome 2, 3 or 4 (or COVID Outcome 10.2) the trainee will be contacted by a panel member (most likely their TPD) to arrange a feedback meeting. This is usually within a week of the ARCP. This follow up meeting will be solely between the trainee and their TPD or Educational Supervisor. The purpose of this meeting is to help the trainee understand the reason(s) for the outcome, to give them an opportunity to ask questions, for the TPD/Supervisor to offer support, and to ensure the trainee has a clear, well-supported action plan, going foward.
More detailed sections on ARCP related information such as "how to prepare" and "reflective practice" is available by clicking on the boxes at the bottom of the page. Answers to specific ARCP questions are in the FAQs below.More Details are on the FICM site (