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Educational appraisal & CPD for Educational Supervisors

Educational Appraisal

‘A Framework for the Professional Development of Postgraduate Medical Supervisors’ from the Academy of Medical Educators 2009 defines the seven standards against which supervisors need to show current training against with evidence for appraisal in some or all of these.

Further information about Educational Appraisal can be found in the 'Guide to Educational Appraisal' delivered at the School Conference in November 2020 (see powerpoint slides below)

A detailed description is summarised in this article in the RCoA Bulletin from the SEAUK by Dr Walwyn

There are multiple local, regional & national opportunities to participate in training-related activities which fulfil all seven domains. All ESs are encouraged to get involved!

Suggestions include:

  1. Ensuring safe & effective patient care through training
  2. Establishing & maintaining an environment for learning
  3. Teaching and facilitating learning
  4. Enhancing learning through assessment
  5. Supporting & monitoring educational progress
  6. Guiding personal & professional development
  7. CPD as an educator

A brief HEE generic summary of suggested evidence to collect in relation to the role as supervisor for revalidation & appraisal purposes