Workforce, training and education
Yorkshire and Humber

Training to be an anaesthetic Educational Supervisor (ES)

What is an ES?

A trainer who is selected & appropriately trained to be responsible for the overall supervision and management of a trainee’s trajectory of learning and educational progress during a placement and/or series of placements. Every trainee must have a named ES. The ES’s role is to help the trainee to plan their training and achieve agreed learning outcomes. He or she is responsible for the educational agreement and for bringing together all relevant evidence to form a summative judgement at the end of the placement and/or a series of placements

Since August 2019, all ST trainees have been allocated an ES when they first join the School. This ES provides consistency whilst the trainee rotates through different hospitals.

NEW ‘Being a good Educational Supervisor’. BJA Education (with kind permission from Dr J Barrie) March 2021: Excellent overview of the process of educational supervision, challenges experienced in educational supervision & practical advice about how to make the most out of the trainee-trainer relationship

• ‘Medical Educational theory in practice’. Greig P, Darbyshire J. BJA Education 19(2): 40-46 (2019) Useful overview of learning objectives and outcomes in different educational settings including theatre, overview of current workplace based assessments and practical tips for structuring feedback

ES Training

Anaesthetic-specific ES training: As yet, there is none specifically delivered in this region. Further training using these resources is planned later in 2021 for new ESs. Updates for ESs are delivered at the School of Anaesthesia Conference annually in November.

ES training is provided nationally by the RCoA Anaesthetists as Educators programme

Generic blended ES training is delivered via the Deanery (e-learning & face-face)

• Generic ES & TPD Update days are also delivered numerous times annually

All trainers should have undertaken an Equality & Diversity course within the last three years. This is also required for anyone who is on an interview or ARCP panel. This can be done via your employing trust’s mandatory training or via e-learning for Healthcare (e-lfh)

ES Roles & Responsibilities

ESs should in summary:

• Ensure annual appraisal of their educational role

• Inform their Trust of all educational courses and events they attend (HEE, college or school)

• Ensure time is available in their job plan to undertake the role

• Contribute to the ‘learning culture’

• Provide evidence to their Trust of ongoing Continuing Professional Development

• Are obligated to report any areas of concern in relation to education and training.


Full details are here

A summary of roles & responsibilities for anaesthetic ESs used at a trust in the region is attached below


The ES should meet with the trainee at least three tines during the year:

1) The Initial meeting. Occurs at start of the training year. Personal Development Plan (PDP) should be generated on the LLP identifying learning objectives for the year ahead

2) Midterm meeting. Takes place 5-6 months into the training year to review progress of these objectives. Meeting can be documented using ‘supervisory’ meeting entry on LLP.

3) Final meeting. Takes place in advance of the ARCP, with view to help prepare evidence for ARCP. Therefore must be done with enough time for completion of ESSR by ES/CTbefore LLP lockout date 1-2 weeks prior to ARCP. More information on completion of the  ESSR by ESs can be found in Section 4.