International Medical Graduate (IMG)
Induction Information
To assist trainees who graduated overseas we have developed specific resources and induction presentations.
A downloadable guide, produced by one of our local trainees, can be accessed HERE. It contains a lot of useful information and hyperlinks. Please bear in mind that information such as this goes out of date very quickly, so please use this information as a guide only.
The presentation that accompanies this guide can be accessed HERE
A ‘Welcoming and Valuing International Medical Graduates: Launching an inclusive induction’ webinar ran on 27 June 2022. Information from this webinar has been duplicated below, including useful links. During the webinar the importance of a continued partnership to support IMGs throughout their careers was highlighted. If you are interested in joining this community of practice, we will be sharing the names and contact details of those who have already offered their support on the Ethnicity and Health Unit website.
The organisers will also collate and upload answers to questions, feedback, and suggestions about the IMG induction programme and its implementation to the Ethnicity and Health Unit website. These details may take a few weeks to upload, so please check back frequently. To those who were not able to attend the webinar, you can view the recording from the webinar here: Watch IMG Induction Launch 2022
You may also download the #IMGInduction programme here:
You can access HEE’s e-Learning for Health (elfh) module here:
West Yorkshire IMG trainee rep:
Dr Jyothima Pippalapalli