Calculating your CCT
The date of your CCT is calculated by the college once you have completed Intermediate Training, passed the Final FRCA and commenced Higher Training. Higher and Advanced training take 36 months in total (if training full time), therefore your CCT will be roughly 3 years from the date you started Higher training.
Once you are within your last 6 months of training you are likely to be eligible to apply for Consultant jobs. It can be very disruptive to find that the RCoA recalculates your CCT at the last minute because of leave they were not aware of. Therefore, it is essential that you inform the college of any time out of training eg.due to sickness, OOPE/C, parental leave, unpaid leave to ensure accurate calculation of your CCT date. Generally speaking if you have more than 14 days out of training in one year your CCT date may be deferred. This is in line with the GMC Position Statement on Time Out of Training available here. Often short periods of leave, sickness etc are made up during the whole training period and so do not have an effect on the CCT. However, it is vital that this is discussed and agreed in advance, through liaison with the TPDs, and discussion with the RCoA.
In addition, if you have any queries regarding the timing of your CCT or the implications of less than full time working/additional leave please seek advice from TPD or Admin support at the earliest opportunity. You can find the details of your TPD and the relevent admin staff on the contacts page.
You may find this CCT calculator useful.