Yorkshire and Humber Foundation School Foundation Programmes
Yorkshire and Humber Foundation School (YHFS) has 629 Foundation programmes which amounts to over 1258 4 month FP FY1 & FY2 placements.
The below spreadsheets list the programmes available in Yorkshire and Humber Foundation School (YHFS) for 2024 - 2026 (North East, West and South Yorkshire). These are made up of 6 x 4 month placements with 6 different specialities many including a Community Placement, GP and/or Psychiatry, in line with the requirements of the UK Foundation Programme Office (UKFPO)
We are reviewing some of the individual programme placements (4 month blocks) as there are still a small number that need to have their placement specialities and sites confirmed by the trusts.
Programmes are always subject to change for a variety of reasons e.g. supervision issues, service reconfiguration, training issues, quality reports and trainee feedback. Please note that some posts may be held back for current trainees for various reasons (LTFT, need an extension, maternity leave etc.) If a post has “0” places available on Oriel, you will not be able to rank that post.
These issues generally only affect a very small number of the placements within a very small number of the programmes in Yorkshire and Humber. Please be aware that we work with the trusts to ensure the programme placements allow you to have the best training experience and to allow you to achieve your Foundation competencies. We do try to avoid making changes to programmes where possible but for a number of reasons these can change at short notice. Any change to placements within programmes will not impact on your Foundation experience or future expectations.
If you have any queries please contact either the YHFS via our generic email: england.foundation.yh@nhs.net, check the UKFPO website https://foundationprogramme.nhs.uk/ or contact the UKFPO directly via helpdesk@foundationprogramme.nhs.uk.