Workforce, training and education
Yorkshire and Humber

Employment - Salary, Annual leave etc. FAQs

These are the most frequently asked questions about salary and employment during your Foundation Training in Yorkshire and the Humber. 


Who will be my employer?

Your employing organisation is the trust/hospital you have been allocated to start your Foundation post from August. Your employing organisation will provide you with your contract, rotas etc.

How much will I get paid (base salary and banding)?

The basic salary for an F1 doctor can be found on

Some posts within HEE YH may carry a banding supplement. However, this occurs at the trust's discretion so they should be contacted if further information is required about specific placements. 

Where can I get my salary, banding and on-call information?

Salary, banding and on-call are all managed by the Trusts. You should contact the Employing Trust, The Foundation Schools do not hold this information. Contact details are usually available on the Trusts' websites.

Who will complete my pre-employment checks and provide my contract?

Medical HR at your employing organisation will be in contact with you in relation to pre-employment checks and also provide you with your contract.

Who can supply me with a reference for accommodation/mortgage?

Medical HR at your employing organisation/s can supply you with a letter regarding your allocation to a 2-year foundation programme and confirmation of your salary.

How do I book Annual Leave before I commence F1?

In the first instance, you will need to contact the Trust Foundation Administrator at your employing organisation, who will be able to advise you of the process to follow.

Can I train in a Less Than Full Time (LTFT) capacity?

Any trainee in a substantive approved post can apply for less than full time training, but must have well founded reasons and meet the nationally agreed eligibility criteria.

Applicants must have been successfully appointed to a full-time programme before they are able to apply.

Further information about LTFT training can be found on our website here.

Please direct any queries about LTFT training during your Foundation Programme to 

How do I apply for Less than Full Time Training?

Information about how to apply for LTFT is here on the website

If you are applying before you are in post, please email your application form to

LTFT training will generally include pro rata on-call commitments. On approval of your application, you may be reallocated to an alternative programme than the one allocated via Oriel in order to utilise either vacant posts or slot share opportunities. When considering your allocation, the Foundation School Director will take your current circumstances and allocated programme into account, where possible.

Is there hospital accommodation available?

The Trust Foundation Administrator at your employing organisation will be able to advise you.

Can I undertake my F2 year abroad?

Since 2010 entry, YH Foundation schools are no longer able to support trainees wishing to do F2 abroad.

What travel, relocation and removal expenses am I eligible to claim?
Where can I find information about accommodation at the hospital I will be working at?

Information about accommodation can be obtained from individual Trusts. Contact details can be found on the Trusts' websites.

Do I need to chase outstanding references?

If you have outstanding references that are not submitted via Oriel by the deadline, your referees will be contacted by your employing organisation.

Can I swap my F1 posts/programme?

No. YHFS, like most Foundation schools, do not allow any swaps in Foundation programmes.

Who do I contact if I am considering withdrawing from the Foundation Programme prior to starting in my FY1 post / Resigning from my post in FY1 or in FY2?

You should discuss this with your Medical School for support and guidance. If you withdraw prior to starting or resign once in your FY1 post, you will not be eligible to work as an FY1 locum in the UK as you are required to have full GMC registration. There is further information with regard to your future eligibility to apply for the Foundation Programme in the UK available on the UK Foundation Programme Office (UKFPO) website at:

If you decide to withdraw or resign once in post, please inform both your employing trust, and YHFS via . We will send you a form to complete prior to actioning your withdrawal on Oriel.

Can I defer the start of my Foundation Training?

You may only defer the start date of your training for a statutory reason (e.g. maternity leave, sickness). If you need to defer the start of your Foundation Training, please email as soon as possible, as we may be able to offer your place to someone else.

If you have not met all of the requirements for starting the Foundation programme (Graduated from medical school, have your VISA in place, have your full GMC registration) within 20 days of your start date, we can withdraw your Foundation post.