Workforce, training and education
Yorkshire and Humber

Prescribing Safety Assessment (PSA)


The Prescribing Safety Assessment is an assessment of prescribing ability and is a requirement for completion of F1 training.


Sitting the PSA

There will be several opportunities to sit/resit the PSA: upcoming dates to sit the PSA exam can be found on the UKFPO website:


Preparation for Sitting the PSA

  • Trainees must ensure that have seen their educational supervisor to create an action plan for passing the exam.
  • All trainees should complete the SCRIPT modules relevant to the PSA including those modules that are relevant to the Domain feedback for those that have they have previously failed:
  • All trainees should make contact with the lead trust pharmacist or deputy in their trust to arrange appropriate ward based training. 


After the PSA

  • Successful trainees must download their certificate at the time of receiving their results. PSA accounts are deactivated at the end of the academic year so trainees will no longer have access to their account to download their certificate after this point. If a certificate has not been saved, trainees will need to contact the institution where they sat the PSA for written confirmation of their result.