Workforce, training and education
Yorkshire and Humber

Hospitals on the Rotation.

The programme is based in the radiology departments at Sheffield Teaching Hospitals (Royal Hallamshire Hospital and Northern General Hospital).  Weston Park Hospital (oncology) and Sheffield Children’s Hospital (paediatrics) provide specific sub-specialty training and are located next to the Royal Hallamshire Hospital on the “central campus”.  Valuable district general hospital experience is provided in 4 local hospitals that are affiliated to our Training Programme.

Hospitals within the training programme offer a full range of specialities including regional centres for neurosciences, cardiology and cardio-thoracic surgery, paediatrics and oncology. Supporting radiology facilities include all current imaging modalities and interventional procedures. The Academic Department of Radiology (led by a Sheffield University Professor of Radiology supported by three senior lecturers and a 2 Professors in MR Physics) is situated in the Royal Hallamshire Hospital adjacent to the main department. 

Further details on each of the hospitals are available from the menu below.

Sheffield: Northern General Hospital
Sheffield: Royal Hallamshire Hospital
Sheffield: Jessop Wing
Sheffield: Weston Park Hospital
Sheffield: Charles Clifford Dental Hospital
Sheffield Childrens Hospital