Educational Supervision.
All trainees should be aware of the identity of their Educational Supervisor (ES), who will normally (but not always) be the consultant with whom the trainee is currently working. Sometimes the trainee might be attached to a consultant other than their ES, known as the Clinical Supervisor.
The ES is the clinician with primary responsibility for guidance and support of the trainee, ensuring delivery of the curriculum, and assisting with the attainment and documentation of the integral competences into the e-portfolio. Formal meetings with the trainee should take place at least three times in each post (beginning, middle and end). Regular informal meetings should occur more often - the Educational Supervisors usually have an hour per trainee per week allocated to this role, as a general guide. The trainee can expect regular feedback regarding their progress, and career advice, and the ES will also produce a report at the end of placement which informs the ARCP process.
If you do not know who your Educational Supervisor is, please speak to your College Tutor.
Your Educational Supervisor should be linked to your eportfolio. Please get in touch if your Supervisor is not linked.