Workforce, training and education
Yorkshire and Humber

The School of Radiology for Health Education England working across Yorkshire and the Humber includes three separate training schemes for clinical radiology.

Hull and East Yorkshire has a training scheme which includes rotation to York.

Sheffield has a training scheme which includes rotations to hospitals in Barnsley, Chesterfield, Doncaster and Rotherham.

Leeds/Bradford has a training scheme which includes rotations to hospitals in Airedale, Bradford, Halifax, Harrogate, Huddersfield, Mid-Yorkshire and York.


Interventional Radiology Training in Yorkshire and the Humber:  There are ample opportunites for comprehensive training in interventional radiology (IR) within the 3 shcemes.  The schemes are also piloting an Enhanced IR Training Programme.  This will give early and sustained exposure to IR for trainees who have an IR interest from the outset of their radiology training.  More details can be found by following the hyperlink. 


School Management Board

The School Management Board serves to ensure close cooperation between the schemes and that best practice in training is shared. The next meeting of the Board will be in Autumn 2020 - the date will appear here when confirmedAny queries regarding the meeting should be sent to our School inbox and details of the membership of the Board will also be available by October 1st.