The RCOG Training Matrix and Educational Matrix (ST1 - 5) / Educational Matrix (ST6 - 7) details the annual requirements for each ST level. Trainees will be reviewed against these matrices at the ARCP.
The RCOG have produced guidance for trainees to advise them on using eportfolio.
The performance of trainees will be assessed on a regular basis throughout their training up until the point that they CCT. This assessment is known as an ARCP (Annual Review of Competence Progression).
Trainees will keep a personal development file of their training, known as their e-portfolio. This includes the RCOG log book, log of cases and evidence of practice and competencies. You will also need to include an up to date CV, records of audit, presentations, publications and certificates of attendance at relevant courses etc. Your YMTP records/trainee profiles should be included here. All of this evidence will be considered at the ARCP.
It is expected that the trainee will have all required documentation on their eportfolio prior to the ARCP. It is therefore expected that the trainee will make themselves aware of the RCOG requirements on a regular basis.
Prior to an ARCP, you will be sent an email asking you to complete a Form R. A new Form R must be completed and submitted to the Programme Support Team every time you have an ARCP. This is an essential requirement for revalidation and failure to provide a Form R may lead to an unsatisfactory outcome.