Workforce, training and education
Yorkshire and Humber

The Hull and East Yorkshire Radiology training scheme supports around 45 trainees across all levels of radiological training. Training is based at both tertiary level hospitals (Hull Royal Infirmary and Castle Hill Hospital) alongside district general rotations including Scunthorpe, Grimsby and York. The size of the scheme enables trainees and trainers to develop strong working relationships and a culture of apprenticeship - style training is very much encouraged.  HEY Radiology also provides a mandatory weekly structured teaching program that all pre-FRCR trainees are expected to attend. For ST1 trainees there is also bi-weekly mandatory physics and anatomy lectures in the lead up to the FRCR part 1 exam.

Hull Royal Infirmary is a major trauma centre serving a large geographical location. This allows trainees an excellent exposure to acute imaging both on call and in sub-speciality training. Castle Hill provides many tertiary oncological services for patients from across North and East Yorkshire as well as North Lincolnshire, again this gives trainees access to top level sub-speciality training opportunities including cardiothoracic and nuclear imaging.

All trainees are introduced to the principles of radiology during year one before progressing on to complete core training in years two and three. All trainees get the opportunity to rotate around all core specialities during this time. Higher training in years four and five can be tailored to the trainee’s requirements and we strive to accommodate all career aspirations and requirements.

Currently the training scheme holds two posts for higher interventional radiological training (including ST6), RCR accreditation in higher neuro radiology and head and neck training, as well as playing a leading role in the pan-Yorkshire neuro-interventional fellowship. The opportunity to train in EUS (endoscopic ultrasound) is available to those interested in gastro-intestinal imaging and we are able to provide good exposure to diagnostic cardiac training.

Placements in Scunthorpe, Grimsby and York will allow trainees to undertake training blocks in a district general setting and gain exposure to different clinical environments and teaching opportunities.

Trainees are encouraged and supported to develop their career portfolios, whether through research, teaching or managerial experiences. We have strong links with the HYMS (Hull York Medical School) with both consultants and trainees engaged regularly in undergraduate teaching.

The training programme director for Hull and East Yorkshire Radiology is currently Dr Vivek Shrivastava and deputy training programme director Dr Shahid Seedat. Please find our contact details in the contacts section and get in touch if you would like to learn more about radiology training in East Yorkshire.