Workforce, training and education
Yorkshire and Humber

Educational Supervision

Good educational supervision is the cornerstone of training in the school of Emergency Medicine.  The school has a network of trained supervisors providing expert support and feedback across all three localities of training.

Definition of a clinical supervisor

"A trainer who is selected and appropriately trained to be responsible for overseeing a specified trainee’s clinical work and providing constructive feedback during a training placement.  Some training schemes appoint an educational supervisor for each placement. The roles of clinical and educational supervisor may then be merged."

Definition of an educational supervisor

“A trainer who is selected and appropriately trained to be responsible for the overall supervision and management of a specified trainee’s educational progress during a training placement or series of placements. The educational supervisor is responsible for the trainee’s educational agreement.”

What are structured training reports?

Structured Training Reports (STR’s)

Structured Training Reports must be completed within the e-portfolio for the ARCP process. This includes a review of the WPBA's and should include all the evidence that has been included in the essential requirements for progression. These are listed on the "assessments" page. From experience, it is best to complete the e-STR in the presence of the trainee, as they may not have included all items in their e-portfolio, for example clinical governance activity.

The ARCP process is entirely e-portfolio based. Trainees can only progress if there is complete and satisfactory evidence from the STR. You support for your trainees is anticipated and will be gratefully received!

It is essential if the trainee has difficulties that the programme director is informed as soon as the educational supervisor is aware and that this is not left for the annual review. 

What is a College Tutor ?

Defined as a Trainer who is appointed to oversee postgraduate medical training within a specific specialty/programme, promote the learning environment, support Trainers & Trainees and be responsible for ensuring that the programme(s) are delivered to the desired local and national standards.

The role

Within the Local Education Provider each specialty requires a lead for Postgraduate Medical Education who is responsible for:

  • Ensuring that the educational, pastoral & career planning needs of all trainees in the department at all levels and on all programmes are addressed
  • Maintaining an environment within the department conducive to training and that all those within the multi-professional team understand their role in providing clinical supervision to the trainee
  • Supporting the Educational Supervisors and Trainers in their role particularly when there is a trainee who requires additional support for whatever reason
  • Ensuring the quality control of the education and training delivered within that department according to local, regional and national standards
  • With increasing sub-specialisation, particularly in medicine and surgery, there may be a need for several specialty tutors where traditionally there was only one College Tutor
  • Providing a communication channel to the Royal College


What is a Faculty Governance Statement?

The faculty governance statement is designed to provide a consensus statement on behalf of the local training faculty about suitability of trainee to progress through training. It adds significant value to the ARCP process. 

There is specific guidance from RCEM and is available in podcast format