School Structure
Each rotation is led by a Training Programme Director. Each hospital that hosts Emergency Medicine trainees will have a College Tutor, who is a Trust appointee. The College Tutors will be responsible to the Directors of Medical Education (DMEs) who are employed by each hospital to ensure educational delivery is of high quality.
The School Board is made up of the Training Programme Directors, representatives from Health Eductaion England - Yorkshire and the Humber (HEE YH), as well as personnel and Core/HST trainee representatives from the rotation. Additionally the Education Leads for Core and Higher specialty training programmes, the Simulation leads, and Ultrasound are also on the school board.
Each rotation (East, South, West) has a Speciality Training Committee (STC), which is made up of the TPDs, the College Tutors and trainees from the rotation.
Should you have any questions or concerns about training, you can contact your clinical supervisor, or your local college tutor. If required, you can contact the training programme director. You can also contact the HEE YH Leeds office for advice.
Please visit the School section of the Contacts/Links page for contact details.