Workforce, training and education
Yorkshire and Humber

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Please note, the HEE policy on Curriculum delivery (Study Leave), including how to apply for it and request reimbursement is available on the generic HEE pages HERE

An introduction to the educational program


We have an organised combined regional training programme for both Core and HST trainees. 

Core Training Program

The core educational program is led by Dr Farzana Khan

Training days can be booked directly on the Medical education Leeds site  

ACCS CT1 year covers a comprehensive combined training programme for ACCS AN, EM and AM trainees, mapped to the latest ACCS curriculum.

The programme includes educational delivery in block days which are repeated across the geographical sublocations in East, West and South Yorskshire. Content includes medical, resuscitation and major trauma toppics as well as minor injuries, ultrasound, Paediatric emergency medicine. Additional dates are also provided for anatomy and examination preperation. 

In CT3 the trainees will spend 6 months obtaining their paediatric emergency medicine competencies and 6 months obtaining their general EM competencies. In CT3 there is a trainee developed minor injuries course, a human factors and transition to higher training course, and a sedation course to complete.

The Higher Specialty Training Program

The HST program is led by Dr Arran Gaunt monthly regional teaching rotated around the region, which over a three years aims to cover the EM curriculum, including clinical topics and exam practice, educational development, and management development. There are also 3 assessment days held just prior to the FRCEM exams to help consolidate your exam technique, including practice SAQ, OSCE, QIP and CTR viva.

We are also running critical appraisal training days, facial trauma and surgical skills days.


Dr Andrew Blackmore has just taken over the simulation lead role. There are simulation course to be completed during core, and HST training. In situ simulation is also being utilised in many departments in the region often led by simulation trainees in out of program clinical fellow posts.


Dr Mohit Arora (ED Consultant in Leeds) is the regional ultrasound lead and runs the ultrasound teaching days. Initially there will be a one day introduction to USS in CT1 followed by a comprehensive two days level 1 USS course in CT3. In order to be fully signed off for USS, which is required for CCT, it is expected that trainees will be very proactive and use any opportunity to perform USS, 50% of which should be under appropiate supervision. Usually it is strongly adviced that 10x of each scan types (AAA, Echo in Life Support, eFAST, Peripheral and Central access) will be entered onto the eportfolio with some saved images which will demonstrate an abnormality, and 10x reflection enteries on any of the scans as a minimum. There are also the RCEM USS modules that need to be fully completed and passed before attending the finishing school to present the logbook to the faculty and complete the triggered asssessment. Thereafter you could join the faculty to teach the other trainees, and consider completing USS level 2 and even level 3 training. It's really enjoyable part of the training and forms a pivotal role in the Emergency Medicine practice across the world. 

School Leadership and Development Lead

Dr Dafydd Hammond Jones is the Lead on the evaluation of the programme and supporting and developing local faculty to ensure delivery of the framework requirements. He works with the Schools of EM and the EM Leaders Programme Steering Group to implement the delivery of leadership development for all EM trainees. The Lead will develop a component of the EM Leaders Framework and support implementation via local faculty development. 


We have thriving research training programmes led by 2 Professors of emergency medicine in Sheffield. Many other centres in Yorkshire & Humber are recruiting to NIHR research studies.

Training Courses 2020/2021

Please find below details of Emergency Medicine/ACCS training courses.
To book any of the courses please Log on to 
Further information.

Download the spreadsheet for a full list of dates 2020/2021.

Study Leave Guidance

Please follow this link to the spreadsheet for study leave courses.