Workforce, training and education
Yorkshire and Humber


Mr Avneesh Kumar, MS (Gen Surg), MD, MRCS, FEBS (Transplant Surgery)

Specialty Doctor in Renal Transplantation & SAS Tutor

Sheffield Kidney Institute, Sheffield Teaching Hospital NHS Foundation Trust 
Specialty Doctor


Mr Kumar has been a SAS Tutor at Sheffield Teaching Hospital since Sept 2012. He is an autonomous renal and vascular access surgeon and a coach at flow coach academy(FCA) Sheffield. He is also an appraiser and regional SAS teaching fellow. He is a former member of LNC who has strived hard to engage and raise the profile of SAS doctors and dentists. He has initiated a Bursary scheme utilising the SAS fund. This scheme runs twice a year which is helping several doctors to gain post graduate diplomas/courses and has made a very positive impact on the beneficiaries. He has also developed a hospital intranet website to improve communication and become more visible within his own trust. He manages the Yorkshire SAS twitter account on behalf of all SAS tutors.