Dr Anna Winfield
SAS Tutor, Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust
Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust
Dr Anna Winfield
MBChB (hons) BSc (hons) MRCP Geriatrics
I am a Patient Safety & Quality Manager and Specialty Doctor in Elderly Medicine at Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust. I trained at Leeds Medical School and during my postgraduate training completed a fellowship in leadership and quality improvement, which is when I developed my passion for leading frontline teams in Quality Improvement and improving patient safety. I am QI clinical lead at the Yorkshire and Humber Improvement Academy and a Q fellow. I am a “Gold QI Trainer” and working to increase QI capability by leading the LTHT’s QI training programme. I am currently working on and leading multiple QI projects at Leeds including implementing safety huddles, QI work to reduce falls, learning from deaths and improving end of life care.
I am committed to representing and supporting SAS doctors at LTHT and ensuring that opportunities are accessible, alongside enhancing our profile and influence. I lead a bursary scheme, SAS training and am currently developing LTHT SAS website.