Workforce, training and education
Yorkshire and Humber

Otolaryngology (ENT)

Otolaryngology / Head and Neck Surgery covers the medical and surgical aspects of diseases of the ears, nose, larynx, pharynx and soft tissues of the neck, and includes the skull base and cerebello-pontine angle in the subspecialty of neuro-otology. The surgery ranges from fine microsurgery within the ear and larynx, to endoscopic surgery within the nose and throat, and major resections for head and neck cancer. The patients range from the newborn to the elderly and include the challenges of dealing with the profoundly deaf and the dizzy. There are close links to such specialties as paediatrics, respiratory medicine and neurology.

All ENT surgeons require competence in the core aspects of the specialty, but many also subspecialise. The following subspecialties are available within ENT:

  • Paediatric ENT
  • Otology
  • Rhinology
  • Voice
  • Head and Neck
  • Thyroid / Parathyroid
  • Balance
  • Neuro-otology
  • Facial Plastics
  • Academic Otolaryngology.

There are also Interface Fellowships established in Head and Neck Surgery and Cleft Lip and Palate Surgery.

Trainees start or rotate on the first Wednesday of October.  

The hospitals included on the ENT rotation are as follows:

North South
Bradford Royal Infirmary Barnsley General Hospital
Calderdale Royal Hospital Doncaster Royal Infirmary
Castle Hill Hospital, Hull Lincoln County Hospital 
Leeds General Infirmary Rotherham General Hospital
Pinderfields General Hospital           Royal Hallamshire Hospital, Sheffield     
York District Hospital Sheffield Children's Hospital

We have a single programme and rotation, with two geographically distinct clusters. Candidates can express a preference. However, trainees may rotate throughout the region for training needs or at their own request.

View full details of all hospitals

Teaching and Training

Formal teaching is currently provided through two day sessions, which are arranged four times each year at a rotating venue. The topics covered are tailored towards the ENT Intercollegiate Curriculum, to include ENT basic sciences. From ST3 onwards, trainees are expected to attend a temporal bone and functional endoscopic sinus surgery course annually. Both of these courses are held in Bradford. Trainees are also expected to attend the North of England Otolaryngological Society meetings twice annually and encouraged to attend other relevant courses in Health Education England working across Yorkshire and the Humber and also outside the region.

Progress through the Intercollegiate Curriculum is ensured by regular appraisal with allocated Educational Supervisors.


Training Programme Director

Training Programme Director: Professor Jaydip Ray

Deputy Training Programme Director: Mr Justin Murphy