Workforce, training and education
Yorkshire and Humber


HEE YH is committed to developing and maintaining a high quality postgraduate training programme for both general and higher professional training which conforms to the curricula and quality standards defined by the College. At local level, the Training Programme Director, together with College/Specialty Tutors work with Directors of Medical Education in supervising these programmes. 

There is a continuous program of formal and informal postgraduate education. The program provides training in all aspects of Chemical Pathology and Metabolic Medicine. All trainees have some training exposure in the management of lipid disorders, diabetes mellitus, nutrition, metabolic bone disease, weight management and inborn errors of metabolism (children and adults). The latter will be delivered at Leeds and Sheffield and for those with a particular interest, programmes can be varied accordingly.

Trainees will regularly participate in biochemist reporting rota and consolidate laboratory data interpretation skills.

Trainees will engage in liaison with clinical colleagues and follow-up of abnormal results.

Trainees will be expected to take part in these programmes (including audit) and to attend professional review.  Study Leave will form part of these educational programmes and will be arranged in conjunction with the appropriate tutor.

The program follows the new curriculum outlined on the Royal College website.

FRCPath course

The ACB run training courses in clinical biochemistry and are aimed at trainees, both biochemical and medical, to help with FRCPath preparation. 

Registrar teaching

This is led and delivered by the trainees themselves. 

Daily teaching

This is the mainstay of all teaching, with interaction with senior medical, biochemical and technical staff. This takes place in the laboratory, clinics and during ward rounds 


Audits are undertaken by trainees as per Trust guidelines. Trainees are encouraged to present work at the local, regional audit meeting and/or national meetings. 

Study Leave

Study leave is available for external training courses and meetings and approved by the TPD. 


The appointee will be encouraged to pursue a research interest within the discipline.  

Regional Education Committee and Laboratory representation

The trainees have representation in this arena.