Postgraduate Teaching in Sheffield
Senior Ophthalmology trainee, South YH rotation
"Whyming brook"
** All face to face PGT has been cancelled during the Covid-19 pandemic **
However Sheffield is currently undertaking regular in house Virtual Postgraduate Ophthalmology Teaching via Microsoft Teams. Please contact Mr Yashin Ramkissoon (, College Tutor in Sheffield, if you wish to be included on the invitation list for the virtual teaching programme.
Under normal circumstances weekly face to face PGT is held on Tuesday afternoons, 14.00-17.00 hrs.
Venue: Royal Hallamshire Hospital, I-Floor, Ward I2 Ophthalmology Seminar Room.
The programme will be posted here when face to face teaching resumes and please contact Melanie Froggatt ( if you wish to be added to the e-mail distribution list.