Duties of the Post.
Training will be offered in all aspects of clinical laboratory practice and is expected to practice evidence based laboratory medicine. The training will include an introduction pre analytical aspects, analytical techniques and clinical interpretation of laboratory data. Following an appropriate period of training, the trainee will regularly participate in the biochemist reporting rota and consolidate laboratory data interpretation skills. Trainees will work with clinical colleagues to follow-up any abnormal results.
Trainees will attend outpatient clinics and ward rounds as appropriate. For trainees in chemical pathology and metabolic medicine the program is designed to fulfil the JRCPTB minimum standards of clinics expected for metabolic medicine. Training in Inborn Errors of Metabolism (children and adults) will be delivered at Leeds and Sheffield.
Trainees will regularly participate in the biochemist reporting rota and will consolidate their laboratory data interpretation skills. Trainees will work with clinical colleagues to follow-up any abnormal results.
The Thursday teaching programme is delivered in Leeds and trainees are expected to attend regularly. The appointee will be expected to help in organising these sessions, and in other teaching activities.
On-call activity depends on local arrangements and funding.
Travel to local hospital centers, as per the training programme rota, is expected.
Trainees will follow appropriate professional behavior patterns, as governed by the GMC and other relevant organisations.