Workforce, training and education
Yorkshire and Humber

The whole school is committed to equality, diversity and inclusion and we have reviewed our approach to this recently. We want to help more people with varied experiences, backgrounds and ideas thrive as future leaders and do our part to tackle the systemic injustices that make it harder for brilliant people to contribute as leaders.

Feedback from the 2021 recruitment day has highlighted a wish to have more exposure to public health registrars to hear about their experiences and training within Yorkshire and Humber. With this in mind, we have arranged ‘drop in sessions’ where 1-2 registrars will be available to speak with people at all stages of their career. You do not need to register for these sessions, however, we do ask that you explore the resources that are already available to answer any initial questions you may have. You may want to ask about people’s experiences before coming into training, what work they are undertaking currently, and what it has been like for them. Please be aware that registrars are unable to talk about the interview process or give specific career advice.

  • This recently recorded webinar (October 2023) which provides an overview of our Specialty training programme. It includes an overview of our scheme, insight from current registrars and Educational Supervisors, and much more. Please also refer to our website using the Public Health Menu and in particular the three parts of the Recruitment and Retention sections. 
  • The FAQ from the recruitment event is available here
  • The registrar recruitment open day usually happens at the beginning of October. Please keep checking the website for more details regarding this.
  • Please watch this Introduction to Public Health video by the Wessex Deanery  
  • You can meet some of our Educational Supervisors here. Each brings their considerable expertise and diverse experience which helps to ensure that all our registrars benefit from only the best training experiences.  
  • You can also read about our Public Health Registrars varied journeys into the specialty here.
  • Recruitment for the scheme is managed centrally by East Midlands ( and you can find the correct timelines on the Faculty of Public Health website which provides a wealth of information and is the best place to find out about the application process. Be sure to look out for their own events about the Specialty Registrar scheme on their Regional Taster Events page.   


Enhancing Equitable Access to Public Health: Join Our Drop-In Sessions!

Experience the power of connection in our Registrar Drop-In Sessions! Designed to level the playing field, these sessions aim to make access to Public Health more equitable. Feedback from previous applicants highlights the immense value of connecting with individuals already working in the field.

No registration process required. We encourage all attendees to explore the wealth of online resources available on our website beforehand. These sessions are not intended for interview process details or career advice. Instead, they offer general insights into the experiences of working in Public Health, recreating the invaluable 'corridor conversations' with colleagues.

Continuous improvement is our dedication for Registrar Drop-In SessionsYour timely feedback is crucial in enhancing their quality and value. We actively seek meaningful insights to refine and improve the sessions. Together, let's make them even better!

After attending a session, we invite you to provide your feedback. Your input will play a vital role in shaping future sessions, making them even more beneficial for all participants. We appreciate your valuable contributions as we work together to create an exceptional learning experience in Public Health.

Dates for drop in sessions:

Monday 29th July 9-11 am
Friday 16th August 9-11 am
Monday 26th August 9-11 am
Friday 13th September 9-11 am
Monday 23rd September 9-11 am
Friday 11th October 9-11 am
Monday 21st October 9-11 am
Friday 8th November 12-2 pm


Joining instructions (only available during above times)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 721 3997 0103

Passcode: Y&H2024

Learn More About Our Empowering Reciprocal Mentoring Scheme

Anna Hartley - Director of Public Health for Wakefield District.

Why reciprocal mentoring has meant so much to me.

Abi had approached me to learn more about a career in public health and we got on so well that we decided to meet regularly. Over time, as we got to know each other, we started to talk about deeper issues and particularly about the impact of racism both structurally and personally. This then became a reciprocal mentoring relationship with Abi very generously and honestly sharing her perspectives as a Black woman working in a mainly white environment.

Some of my reflections are that it’s easy to just surround yourself with ‘people like you’, when I looked at my Instagram account nearly everyone was white, female and of a certain age! Abi was able to recommend a much more diverse group of people to follow. That has really taught me a lot and been an absolute pleasure. We lend each other books – I have recently read ‘I Am Not Your Baby Mother’ by Candice Braithwaite; this was thought provoking and inspirational. Everyone has a duty to educate themselves about racism and there are some excellent podcasts, books and training out there. Listening to people’s stories is powerful.

The reciprocal mentoring process has also helped me to be a better ally. I no longer stay quiet when I hear overt or covert racism. I challenge it and I am also able to check in with Abi to get her perspective. Likewise, she does the same with me. This gives us both support and somewhere to ‘sense check’.

I am honest about the fact that I get things wrong but the important thing is to acknowledge that everyone is learning and we all have a responsibility to work together to make things better. Complacency and a lack of humility is not ok! Its also an ongoing journey. I keep learning.

Reciprocal mentoring has definitely made me a better, more thoughtful leader and ally. It has also made my life richer and more interesting.  I would recommend it to anyone.   


Unlock your potential! Experience the power of reciprocal mentoring to achieve Public Health Specialty Training Curriculum competencies 4.10, 5.1, 5.2, and 9.8. Empower your journey to excellence.  Contact for further information