About DCT3 Oral Medicine, OMFS Radiology & Oral Pathology
This post offers exposure and experience in the additional dental specialties of Oral Medicine and Dental & Maxillofacial Radiology. There will be some flexibility in the rota if you have a particular interest in one specialty. Oral Medicine and Dental & Maxillofacial Radiology sessions are undertaken in Leeds Dental Institute.
Oral Medicine consultant clinics are run either face to face or via telephone consultations. The patients are a mix of new referrals and follow up reviews and there is direct senior support on clinics. Responsibilities of the DCT include history taking and requesting and following up any necessary investigations including blood tests, MRI, USS, biopsies, plain film x-rays and CBCT. You will also have the opportunity to undertake biopsy lists with around 6 patients on each list. By the end of your rotation you will feel more confident managing routine oral medicine conditions and will have gained valuable insight and exposure to uncommon and complex cases. The post also offers an opportunity to be involved in the paediatric-oral medicine MDT monthly clinics.
- 50:50 split Oral Med : DMR
- All work at LDI
- No specialty weighting
In Radiology you will develop your skills in reporting plain film radiographs and CBCT scans with consultant support. You will have the opportunity to train in diagnostic sialography and to attend ultrasound lists and gain an understanding of the use of ultrasound in the diagnosis of lumps and bumps in the head and neck. Attendance at monthly salivary gland MDT meetings provide an insight into the management of complex benign salivary gland disease.
Pattern of Working
- Academic day (Tuesday TBC)
- Oral Medicine clinics 3-4 per week
- DMR reporting 3-4 sessions per week
- Admin 1 session per week
As an academic trainee, you will have one day assigned to academic work and completion of a PG Cert in Health Research which will equip you with the necessary knowledge and skills required in research. Opportunities to join an established research group and actively contribute to a research project are available.
Support is provided to engage in all aspects of clinical governance including audits, service evaluations and other projects.
Overall, the hospital environment and teams including consultants, specialty registrars and associate specialists are all very supportive, friendly and approachable and this contributes to an enjoyable and rewarding training experience.
Contact for further information r.gahan@nhs.net
Working in Yorkshire & Humber
- Leeds has all the amenities of a modern city with a relaxed atmosphere. There is easy access to the countryside and plenty of outdoor activities to engage in. The local population is very polite and welcoming in my experience, and I would seriously consider settling here if I got a training post.
Designed by A Fulton, DCT3 2020/21