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Yorkshire and Humber

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Information for Educational Supervisors 


As an educational supervisor, you must ensure that trainees are aware of the SuppoRTT programme and engage with the SuppoRTT processes prior to and during an absence from training, and upon their return. As a minimum, all trainees pausing their training - for whatever reason - should engage with the three SuppoRTT meetings, as detailed below. 

You should ensure that all trainees are aware of the SuppoRTT webpage and course catalogue, so that they can access these as required, as well as informing them of the availability of CPD funding and the associated CPD Funding Guidance. It is best to inform all trainees of SuppoRTT, including the things to think about if they need to go out of training for health reasons or for parental leave, so that they are always prepared. 

An Overview of SuppoRTT

The Yorkshire and Humber SuppoRTT team have developed an informational video which provides an overview of the SuppoRTT programme and specifies the educational supervisor's role throughout the process. We would encourage you to watch this video if you are unfamiliar with the SuppoRTT programme.   







SuppoRTT Meetings

There are three meetings which underpin the SuppoRTT process. These meetings should take place with all trainees who take a period of time out of training, regardless of whether they plan to, or do, engage with other aspects of SuppoRTT, such as our courses. The following information provides a high level overview of these three meetings, for which more detailed information can be found on the SuppoRTT Process, Guidance and Forms webpage


Absence Planning 

When a trainee is planning on going out of training an absence planning meeting should occur between the Educational Supervisor/Training Programme Director and the trainee. We recommend this occurs at least three months prior to planned absence, if possible. If an absence planning meeting is not possible, for example if the trainee is absent owing to unexpected illness, you should complete a Notification of Absence form to inform the SuppoRTT team of the trainee's absence. An absence planning meeting should still be arranged with the trainee, as soon as is appropriate, to review the trainee's support needs and make a plan for their future return, even if a notification of absence form is initially completed.

The purpose of this meeting is to discuss the arrangements of the absence, including how you will keep in contact with the trainee and any development or support needs that should be addressed during the absence. At this meeting, the Absence Planning form should be completed, to document the discussions and any agreed plans of action. Once submitted, the SuppoRTT team will receive a copy of the form and will ensure required support actions are addressed; for example, signposting to specific services or courses.

You can preview the form's questions prior to the meeting and find guidance on discussion points for the meeting in Appendix A of the SuppoRTT guidance. 

Please see the Absence Planning Meeting Flowchart of Responsibility for a visual representation of the full process to be followed.


Initial Return Meeting 

An initial return meeting should take place with the trainee approximately 8-12 weeks prior to their return. This may need to be sooner if a trainee is out of training for health reasons as arrangements for their return may need longer to plan, depending on their circumstances. 

The purpose of this meeting is to create a tailored plan for the trainee's return, discuss any concerns they may have about returning, identify any remaining training needs and agree to any requests for a supernumerary or enhanced supervision period. At this meeting, the Initial Return Meeting form should be completed. Once submitted, the SuppoRTT team will receive a copy of the form and will ensure required support actions are addressed; for example, reviewing requests for supernumerary periods and ensure the relevant trust is notified of these arrangements. 

You can preview the form's questions prior to the meeting and find guidance on discussion points for the meeting in Appendix B of the SuppoRTT Guidance

Please see the Initial Return Meeting Flowchart of Responsibility for a visual representation of the full process to be followed. 


Review Meeting 

A review meeting should take place at the end of the trainee's supernumerary / enhanced supervision period, or four weeks following their return to clinical duties if this was not part of the trainee's return arrangements. 

The purpose of this meeting is to discuss the trainee's progress following their return, review any assessments and feedback, address any remaining concerns and arrange further supernumerary/enhanced supervision periods, if required. Should the trainee have returned successfully, it is the role of the Educational Supervisor to confirm that they can return to practice safely. At this meeting, the Review Meeting form should be completed. Once submitted, the SuppoRTT team will receive a copy of the form and will ensure any further actions are addressed. 

If there are outstanding concerns at the review meeting, or additional supernumerary / enhanced supervision are requested, then additional review meetings should take place until you are satisfied that the trainee can return to normal practice. A new review meeting form should be completed at each of these meetings.

You can preview the form's questions prior to the meeting find guidance on discussion points for the meeting in Appendix C of the SuppoRTT Guidance

Good Practice

We recommend you consider the following arrangements for returning trainees, which are examples of best practice from across our region:

  • 3 Days Supernumerary as standard upon return to training.
  • Enhanced Supervision period as standard upon return to training. 
  • No on-calls or night shifts during the enhanced supervision period, unless the trainee wishes to do these.


Trainees on parental leave can use KIT/SPLIT days to complete SuppoRTT activities. Some trusts do not allow KIT/SPLIT days to be taken during the accrued annual leave period of a trainee's period of absence, and in these cases, SRTT days can be taken to complete the requested activity. SRTT days can also be accessed by any trainee out of training, and not just for those on parental leave. Please see the KIT/SPLIT/SRTT Days Guidance here.