Good preparation is key to a successful ARCP. The steps to achieving this are detailed below. Click on the individual steps to get more information and to see useful links.
The dates for ARCP are usually published a year in advance. They are available HERE. You will be allocated one of the published dates several weeks in advance. If you cannot make one of the dates (e.g. due to leave) then you must contact the admin team in advance.
Checklists which detail what is required for ARCP and to aid preparation are available HERE
The key to successful preparation lies in keeping your portfolio up to date and maintaining regular contact with your educational supervisor.
Your progress will be measured against the requirements of the curriculum as set out by the RCoA and GMC. It is essential that trainees and their ESs know what is expected at each stage of training and refer to these requirements when creating their Learning Agreement/PDP with their ES.
This is a link to the Curriculum on the RCoA website HERE.
Using the LLP, invites can be sent at any time throughout the year.
Once you are satisfied that you have enough feedback you will need to request closure. The feedback will then be sent to your ES for them to see it and release it for you to view and reflect upon at your ES meeting.
A minimum of 12 respondents is required from a mix of suitable colleagues.
Don’t leave this too late in the year, you need to ensure there is time for raters to respond and for your ES to moderate the report. The whole process can easily take a couple of months.
The ESSR is the single most important document required for ARCP. If completed fully and accurately, it will ensure that the ARCP panel have access to all the relevant evidence to make an assessment. Remember, the ESSR has to be signed off by your ES AND College tutor so make sure you initiate this at least 4 weeks prior to your ARCP.
Before your ARCP, and as part of the revalidation process, you must submit a Form R (Part B). The process for submission has changed - you should now complete the Form R (Part B) using the self-service module of our Trainee Information System (TIS).
If for any reason your situation or any of the information reported on your Form R changes between the time of submitting your Form R, and your ARCP taking place, you must submit a new form.
We DO NOT require an emailed copy of the form if completed via TIS Self-Service.
This important document must be up to date and must reflect ALL clinical practice undertaken in the year the ARCP is assessing. This includes paid and unpaid work, inside and outside of NHS institutions. Time out of training must be accurately recorded.
Trainees on parental leave will also be required to submit a Form R (Part B). Although their portfolio will not be assessed and an N2 (not assessed for Parental leave) will be recorded, the Form R is essential for reporting any incidents prior to commencement of PL.