Workforce, training and education
Yorkshire and Humber

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The page you requested does not exist. For your convenience, a search was performed using the query recruitment medical recruitment school psychiatry.

Search results

  1. ACF Vascular Surgery (HYMS)

    ... more than three applications in  one national round of recruitment  will have the additional applications withdrawn by the ... all regions, specialties and universities. Hull York Medical School, in partnership with NHS England North East and Yorkshire and ...

    Charlotte Burton - 10/24/2024 - 09:55

  2. ACF Palliative Medicine (Leeds)

    ... and have an honorary contract with the University at whose Medical School their academic research is supported. ACF trainees also ... University of Leeds Details  of the recruitment process are provided below. To ...

    Anna Tigg - 10/02/2023 - 09:03

  3. ACF Cardiology (Leeds)

    ... and have an honorary contract with the University at whose Medical School their academic research is supported. ACF trainees also ... University of Leeds Details  of the recruitment process are provided below. To ...

    Anna Tigg - 12/14/2023 - 08:52

  4. ACF General Practice (Leeds)

    ... more than three applications in one national round of recruitment will have the additional applications withdrawn by the ... and have an honorary contract with the University at whose Medical School their academic research is supported. ACF trainees also ...

    Anna Tigg - 11/19/2024 - 09:38

  5. ACF Geriatric Medicine (Leeds)

    ... and have an honorary contract with the University at whose Medical School their academic research is supported. ACF trainees also ... for will be required to undertake the national clinical recruitment process and attend an assessment/interview for that GMC ...

    Anna Tigg - 12/14/2023 - 09:03

  6. ACF Anaesthetics (Leeds)

    ... more than three applications in one national round of recruitment will have the additional applications withdrawn by the ... and have an honorary contract with the University at whose Medical School their academic research is supported. ACF trainees also ...

    Anna Tigg - 11/19/2024 - 07:28

  7. ACF Vascular Surgery (Leeds)

    ... and have an honorary contract with the University at whose Medical School their academic research is supported. ACF trainees also ... for will be required to undertake the national clinical recruitment process and attend an assessment/interview for that GMC ...

    Anna Tigg - 12/14/2023 - 09:06

  8. ACF Trauma & Orthopaedics (Leeds)

    ... and have an honorary contract with the University at whose Medical School their academic research is supported. ACF trainees also ... for will be required to undertake the national clinical recruitment process and attend an assessment/interview for that GMC ...

    Anna Tigg - 12/14/2023 - 09:06

  9. ACF Clinical Oncology (Leeds)

    ... There will be 1 ACF post in either Clinical Oncology or Medical Oncology.) The University of Leeds, in partnership with ... University of Leeds Details  of the recruitment process are provided below. To ...

    Anna Tigg - 06/13/2024 - 12:50

  10. ACF Palliative Medicine (Leeds)

    ... more than three applications in one national round of recruitment will have the additional applications withdrawn by the ... and have an honorary contract with the University at whose Medical School their academic research is supported. ACF trainees also ...

    Anna Tigg - 11/19/2024 - 09:39