New Starters
The change from core medical trainee to a specialist trainee or registrar in general internal medicine (GIM) is a significant and daunting time. There is a lot to accomplish before you start your post, as such a guide has been complied to help you get organised.
New starter checklist:
- Enroll with JRCPTB (invitation email sent by JRCPTB) JRCPTB Enrolment
- Update defence union regarding change to speciality and grade
- Complete Form R Part A – request sent by the deanery prior to starting post
- Email Tetyana (RCP regional manager) to ensure you are on the RCP mailing list for regional RCP training days;
- Check the dates for the RCP regional training days Yorkshire RCP Regional Training Days
- Sign up for generic deanery training days (these are free but have long waiting lists) Generic Skills
- Sign up for a continuing professional development (CPD) diary – there is a free one through the RCP
- Sign educational agreements and probity statements
- Meet with educational supervisor early and have initial appraisal and set goals for that year
- Review GIM curriculum and ARCP requirements
Your first port of call for most issues will be your Educational or clinical supervisor.
If Your supervisors are unable to help you, or you are unsure who your supervisors are, then your GIM Training Programme Directors will be able to help.Their contact details can be found here.
You also have a team of Trainee reps for GIM (and for your parent specialties). The GIM reps can be contacted on:
You can also contact HEE Programme Support Team.
Our email address is: