Workforce, training and education
Yorkshire and Humber

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Equality, Diversity and Inclusion in NHS England YH

 Our aims are:

  • To eliminate unlawful discrimination, harassment and victimisation and other conduct prohibited by the Act.
  • Advance equality of opportunity between people who share a protected characteristic and those who do not.
  • Foster good relations between people who share a protected characteristic and those who do not.

Protected Characteristics 



  • If you are a trainee who is currently out of training due to health reasons, the SuppoRTT programme can provide you with some support. Check out their webpages here.
  • Access to work is a government scheme that allows you to apply for funding to pay for support, equipment and other adjustments if you have a longstanding physical or mental health condition or disability, including neurodivergence.

Gender Reassignment


  • If you are a trainee who is currently pregnant or on parental leave, the SuppoRTT programme can provide you with some support. Check out their webpages here.



Sex & Sexual Orientation

Marriage & Civil Partnership


  • Access to Work is a government scheme that allows you to apply for funding to pay for support, equipment and other adjustments if you have a longstanding physical or mental health condition or disability, including neurodivergence.
  • If you are neurodivergent and require reasonable adjustments, check out the webpage here for further information.



Our Dean, Jon Cooper talks about differential attainment and conscious decision making.


Jon Hossain entitled: A conversation with our Deputy Dean Jon Hossain on EDI.


Liberty-Breeze, a GP Postgraduate Doctor in Training (PGDiT) talks about her lived experience and how Postgraduate Doctors in Training (PGDiTs) and trainers can start a conversation about it


Other Resources

If you are an educator, you can access EDI training here