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Differential Attainment

Differential attainment is the differences in outcome as a group where doctors or medical students from ethnic minority backgrounds perform poorly compared to their White counterparts within the UK. These differences in outcomes in seen in recruitments, Annual review of competency progression, outcomes in specialty examinations as well as progression to senior roles.

The Yorkshire & Humber deanery is committed to tackling differential attainment within the Deanery.  This has led to the initiation of several projects across different career stages of the medical workforce including the reverse mentoring scheme. 

There are also several resources on differential attainment in academic literature, which you may wish to read further:

Reverse Mentoring

  • Involving trainees from ethnic minorities and trainers across all levels inlcuding TPDs, Deans, Heads of Schools, Clinical and Educational Supervisors. Find out more here.

Conscious Decision Making Training

  • Available to all trainers and trainees to improve cultural competency and cultural awareness in a safe space. Check out the EDI courses page for dates.

Diversity in Medical Education (DiME) Project

  • The Diversity in Medical Education leadership programme was previously offered by NHS England as a positive action measure to promote leadership amongst their minority ethnic training program directors (TPDs).
  • The programme was a flagship initiative and aimed to broker the gap between a lack of ethnic minorities in leadership positions such as training programme directors.
  • Overall, DiME is an invaluable and important programme that needs developing further to ensure it has its potential impact. Without this programme, participants faced a range of barriers and are likely to be hindered in their career development. NHS England are currently working to determine whether this programme could be rolled out further.