Workforce, training and education
Yorkshire and Humber

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Policies & Forms

This page contains the nationally approved Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) for England aligned to the principles of A Reference Guide for Postgraduate Foundation and Specialty Training in the UK’ (‘the Gold Guide’) and A Reference Guide for Postgraduate Dental Core and Specialty Training’ (‘The Dental Gold Guide’).

The nationally approved Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) can be found here, our local SOPs are based on the national guidance.

From 2022 onwards the policies delivered in Yorkshire and Humber have been ratified by the SOP Development and Delivery Group, the group consists of Postgraduate Doctors in Training (PGDiTs), faculty and members of the Training Programme Management Team. The Group has undergone a large piece of work updating our local SOPs to align with the Gold Guide (medical edition and dental edition) and national SOPs, we will upload them to this section of the website and collate all new SOPs here for easy access. We have created a Summary of Changes document to support you to understand what has changed.

Although this a continuous cycle of improvement the first few ratified SOPs will be uploaded by 1st March and we will continue to add new or updated SOPs, after discussion and approval at the SOP Group, to the website going forward. We hope this helps support you by knowing where all the SOPs are and is transparent.  

If you are a member of the faculty or Learner Education Provider and wish to access our policies and information on our Trainer Resources site, please contact your Programme Support Team to request access, contact us.

Please contact if you are unable to find a particular policy.

Acting Up

Acting Up as a Consultant Standard Operating Procedure

Acting Up as a Consultant Application Form

Appraisal and Assessment (ARCP)

ARCP National Standard Operating Procedure

Our guidance on ARCP can be found here.

ARCP Appeals Process

ARCP Appeals and Reviews YH Standard Operating Procedure

Statement for ARCP Review or Appeal


Complaints National Standard Operating Procedure

Coroners Inquests

A Guide for Learners

Supporting Trainees Attending Coroners Court

Writing a Statement

Statement Template

Freedom of Information and Subject to Access Requests

We cannot procees FOI requests directly submitted to us, any request for FOI must be submitted following the national guidance.

We cannot procees SAR requests directly submitted to us, any request for SAR must be submitted following the national guidance.

Guidance for the distribution and amendment of tariff funded training posts

Guidance for the distribution and amendment of tariff funded training posts Standard Operating Procedure

Indemnity - Non-Trust Settings

Information on Indemnity for Non-Trust Settings

Inter-Deanery Transfers

The process for IDTs is outlined on the national website.

Less Than Full Time Training

LTFT Standard Operating Procedure

Further Guidance

Longitudinal Integrated GP Training

Longitudinal Integrated GP Training Standard Operating Procedure

Medical Training Initiative

For information on MTIs visit the Academy of Medical Royal Colleges website.

National Training Number (NTN) Withdrawal

Removal from the training programme or withdrawal of the National Training Number (NTN) National Standard Operating Procedure

Out of Programme

Out of Programme Standard Operating Procedure

OOP Application Form

Time Out Of Foundation Training Request Form

OOP Curtailment Form

JRCPTB Form for Medical Trainees

Future Leaders Extension Guidance

More information on OOPs can be found on the Specialty Training Programmes Useful Links page, here.

Period of Grace

Period of Grace Standard Operating Procedure

Period of Grace Intent Form

Professional Support

Professional Support National Standard Operating Procedure

Further local information can be found here

Quality Management and Patient Safety

Quality Reporting National Standard Operating Procedure

Trainer Approvals Guidance

Escalation of Quality Concerns Policy

Recruitment and Management of Lay Represenatives

Recruitment and Management of Lay Representatives Standard Operating Procedure

Lay Representative Feedback Form - For Lay Representatives to complete

Lay Representative Feedback Form for Panel Chairs to complete

Lay Representative Expenses Claim Form


Redeployment Standard Operating Procedure

Relocation and Excess Travel

Relocation and Travel Expenses YH Local Guidance

National Relocation and Travel Expenses Framework

Further Guidance


Revalidation National Standard Operating Procedure

Local information can be found here

Rotational Management in line with Code of Practice

Rotational Management in line with Code of Practice National Standard Operating Procedure

Study Leave

Study Leave Policy

Study Leave Operational Guidance

Local YH Foundation Study Leave Guidance

Further Guidance and Accent Leave Manager

Sudden Death of Doctors in Training

National Guidance for the Sudden Death of Doctors in Training

Supported Return to Training (SuppoRTT)

SuppoRTT Guidance


National guidance for Whistleblowing