Workforce, training and education
Yorkshire and Humber


Please visit the Appraisal and Assessment page for details on the ARCP process. 

A timeline for ARCP has been created which details what will happen in the weeks prior to your ARCP. 

Our ARCP Checklist sets out the documentation we will be reviewing on your portfolio as part of the process.



Prior to your ARCP, please ensure that all relevant documentation is uploaded to your ePortfolio. This may include:

Dentists that are out of programme willbe required to submit a report from the OOP Supervisor. This can be in any format, however, there is a template document available here

If for any reason you are unable to complete these forms electronically on your ePortfolio, please complete a paper copy, which can be uploaded in to the "other evidence" section of ISCP. 

Dentists on parental leave are not required to submit any evidence for their ARCP as a "non assessed" outcome will be awarded to cover the period. 


Additional Documentation 

The following documents should be completed and sent to prior to your ARCP:


Patient Feedback

The decision has been made to include patient feedback in to the ARCP requirements for dental specialty trainees.

This should be completed in ST1 - and ST4 if you are in a post-CCST training programme.

The process will be as follows:

  1. Place your name on the patient feedback form (attached) provided and prints out 30 copies. Please also provide self-seal envelopes with the name of your Educational Supervisor written on them.
  2. The forms and envelopes are handed out to 30 consecutive patients (by either you or the clinic nurse) to complete and hand in to the Receptionist.
  3. Receptionist collects and forwards/internal posts on to the Educational Supervisor named on the envelopes.
  4. A minimum of 20 responses is required for validation. Once that number is received, the Educational Supervisor hands them back to you to collate and tabulate the responses including comments. You should then share and discuss this with your Educational Supervisor at one of your routine meetings. Any development needs identified can be added to your PDP.
  5. Trainee uploads collated and validated responses to ePortfolio (if not a specialty that has an online portfolio).

You can find a patient feedback template here.

2024 ARCP Dates
Speciality Date 1 Date 2
Dental Public Health 16/10/2024 17/10/2024
Dental and Maxillofacial Radiology 29/02/2024 12/09/2024
Oral Medicine 02/02/2024 24/06/2024
Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology 21/03/2024 19/09/2024
Oral Surgery 21/02/2024 24/07/2024
Orthodontics 06/03/2024 17/09/2024
Paediatric Dentistry 17/04/2024 25/07/2024
Restorative Dentistry 27/02/2024 27/08/2024
Special Care Dentistry 26/03/2024 29/08/2024