Workforce, training and education
Yorkshire and Humber

Professional Skills Courses

NHS England Yorkshire and Humber has developed a range of professional skills courses for posgraduate doctors in training. Professional skills courses are offered to support the development of non-clinical professional competencies which support and enhance good medical practice. Professional skills courses are open to postgraduate doctors in training and SAS doctors. The Training the Trainers course is also open to recognised trainers.

Course booking

All courses are bookable via the Learner Support and Faculty Development Maxcourse site. If you do not have an account, you can create a user account online. Before you can book onto any Professional Skills courses, you will need to update the Personal Details and Profession in your Account Details.

For help, please see: 
How to update your personal details - LSFD Maxcourse Help
How to update your profession - LSFD Maxcourse Help

You can find further guidance about using Maxcourse, including instructions on how to search for and book onto courses, on the LSFD Maxcourse Help page.

Cancellations: Please check your availability before booking. If you book onto a course and later find that you are no longer able attend, please cancel your booking via Maxcourse as soon as possible, to release the place. If the course is imminent and you cannot cancel your place via Maxcourse, please contact the LSFD Courses Team to cancel your booking.

For help, please see: How to cancel a course booking - LSFD Maxcourse Help

Available courses

Peer Coaching

Eligibility: All doctors and dentists in training | Duration: 1 hour with follow-up session.

As we move through our careers we need to be proficient at all sorts of complex decision making. Peer coaching is one way of building safety and professionalism around that and is therefore a discipline which can serve well throughout your whole career. Coaching seeks to improve performance by offering challenge and support. It creates an opportunity to consider what you can do to support your personal professional development. Peer coaching means this time to think is offered by a peer in your professional environment who has also received this training and the support you offer is mutual.

Leadership for Clinicians Early in their Careers

Eligibility: ST1-4 | Duration: 1 day

This interactive and reflective course is designed to provide an introduction to clinical leadership and its role within the NHS and how we can all develop as future leaders. Aimed at doctors early on in their careers, participants will have the opportunity to reflect on and identify their existing leadership skills and qualities and recognise their own preferences and strengths. The course will explore leadership models and styles, the influence of rank and power in working relationships, the importance of inclusive leadership, managing conflict and the practice of compassionate leadership.

Leadership & Management (Seventeen Seconds)

Eligibility: ST3-8 & GP ST1-3 | Duration: 3 days

Through your participation in this innovative blended learning course, you will develop the knowledge, skills and confidence to level up your leadership. Wherever you are on your leadership journey this course will help you to see that good leadership is very much attainable by everyone. In fact, you will come to realise that you are already doing it. Our bespoke leadership curriculum maps to the GMC GPCs and medical leadership competency framework. Materials are divided into themes and topics and are punctuated by three ‘in contact’ sessions, so that the learning is truly blended.

Leadership & Management (Final Year Trainees)

A three day course designed for senior trainees in their final year to develop knowledge, skills and insights into the leadership and management roles of the consultant. The learning outcomes include: Understanding the structures in health systems; Awareness of how power affects communication; Awareness and practice of communication tools; Experience in developing a business plan; The challenges in the transition from trainee to consultant. Participants will have the opportunity to reflect on their previous experience and development as a preparation for their leadership and management role.

Training the Trainers (Doctors Training)

Eligibility: ST3-8 & GP ST1-3 and recognised trainers | Duration: 2 days

A two-day medical education course. Day 1 will explore education theory, learning needs analysis, learning outcomes, constructive alignment; as well as teaching strategies and modalities to understand the relative strengths, challenges, and opportunities to develop a full set of tools as an educator. Day 2 will explore the role of an educator and supervisor of trainees, students and members of the multi-professional team, and explore future career and leadership options. Participants will be supported to develop and evaluate their own teaching plan and deliver a training session.

Training the Trainers (Seventeen Seconds)

Eligibility: ST3-8 & GP ST1-3 and recognised trainers | Duration: 2 days

Do you want to develop your competence as a teacher or trainer? Are you interested in a career in medical education? Whether you are just starting out, or have some experience already, sign up now for this innovative blended learning course that will help you develop the knowledge, skills and confidence to level up as a medical educator. You will be given access to online materials via to complete in advance of and between the two in-contact learning days, which will take place on Zoom. You will work through these materials and the in-contact days as a cohort, utilising principles of social, experiential, and blended learning.

Communication in the  Real World

Eligibility: ST3-8 & GP ST1-3 | Duration: 2 days

This participative course is designed to help you improve your communication skills at work, with opportunitiest o practice and receive constructive feedback. Topics include: How communication difficulties arise and how to handle them; Communication models and strategies; Becoming more assertive at work; Communicating effectively with colleagues, patients and relatives; Breaking bad news; Giving constructive feedback and responding positively to critical feedback; Identifying your preferred team role; Understanding conflict resolution styles and how to respond effectively to conflict at work.

Interpersonal Communication Skills

Eligibility: ST3-8 & GP ST1-3 | Duration: 2 days

A two day course exploring ways of handling difficult areas of communication that may occur with patients, relatives and colleagues. There will be an opportunity to practice, in a safe environment, a variety of approaches to tackle this. The course includes small group role play practise of communication skills with 2 facilitators, and 6 scenarios plus space to create further role plays tailored specifically to participant needs. Access to presentation and supplementary information on a range of communication skills areas.

Medical Ethics

Eligibility: ST3-8 & GP ST1-3 | Duration: Half-day

This half-day course explores how to identify, analyse and resolve  medical ethical dilemmas. The course is designed to give a grounding in the practical application of ethical theory to solving ethical dilemmas encountered in different healthcare contexts and to offer practical tools useful in resolving ethical dilemas. Participants are encouraged to bring ethical dilemmas that they have encountered in their specialism for discussion.


Research Skills

Eligibility: ST3-8 & GP ST1-3 | Duration: 2 days

This interactive course will provide you with an insight into the practicalities of designing and delivering a clinical research project that is relevant to the NHS. This will include what reviewers and funders will be looking for, alongside how decisions are made about the cost effectiveness of treatments and ultimately how to ensure research makes a difference. Each stage of the process will include examples from a range of research projects which will be used to demonstrate the principles. Throughout there will be a focus on how to interpret and apply the evidence in the clinical setting.

Writing for  Publication

Eligibility: ST3-8 & GP ST1-3 | Duration: 1 day

The skill of writing an article and getting it published in a peer reviewed journal is highly prized, but rarely taught. This one-day Zoom course concentrates on this skill, and in particular on the process of writing. Participants should bring an idea for an article, and during the day they will work this up in easy stages. The course will show you how to prepare, write and submit an original journal article that has a good chance of being accepted for publication.

CVs, Applications & Interviews

Eligibility: ST3-8 & GP ST1-3 | Duration: 1-day

This participative course covers a wide range of topics to help you improve your CV, application form answers and interview performance. Topics covered include: Building an excellent CV - content, layout and presentation, common application form questions and strategies for answering them effectively, models to help structure answers to common types of interview questions, self-presentation tips, body language and non-verbal communication, handling difficult questions and interview blocks all helping you to deliver positive and effective interview answers!

The Consultant Fellowship Interview

Eligibility: ST3-8 & GP ST1-3 | Duration: Half-day

This half-day course is aimed at doctors in training who are or will be applying for posts as consultants and who wish to enhance their interview skills at this level. The course explores the stages of the interview process and provides practical tips on preparing for interviews, and on responding to difficult questions and challenging situations. The course also offers opportunities for practice, with a practice panel and constructive feedback from colleagues.

Making the Transition to Consultant

Eligibility: ST3-8 | Duration: Half-day

This half-day course considers the consultant employment contract and conditions of service. In addition, an established consultant will give tips and advice for success as a consultant and clinical leader. Topics include: Understanding the different roles within a consultant job, Reframing of reasonable goals throughout your career, Developing a strategy for success through understanding a Trust structure and relationships.


Upcoming course dates

All courses are bookable via the Learner Support and Faculty Development Maxcourse site. To find upcoming course dates, please use the Maxcourse search tool, course list or course calendar.

Course list

To improve results when viewing the course list, use the subject filter to show only Professional Skills courses and use the date range filter to show the desired period.

Course calendar

To improve results when viewing the course calendar, use the subject filter to show only Professional Skills courses.