This site is a list of the most recent news update from the PGDIT Sharepoint - for those who are unable to access as they cannot get
17/2/25 Updated study leave policy (see attached)
13/2/25 We have recently been informed that, after discussions with the BMA, the term that will be used going forward is ‘GP Registrar’. Hospitals may also refer to ‘Resident Doctors’ in the context of where they would have previously used the term 'Junior Dr".The school will use this nomenclature going forward.
30/1/25 Change of Placement policy update
28/1/25 Newsletter -
28/1/25 Join the Red Whale team for a highly engaging and interactive online course, from the comfort of your home! This course covers the latest changes in evidence and guidelines relevant to Primary Care and is also a great foundation for AKT study. This course is open to those who did not attend the Red Whale course in Dec 24.
22/1/25 The RCGP is delighted to announce the updated GP Curriculum which will take effect from 1 August 2025. More information - and copies of the updated Curriculum documents ("Being a GP" and the "Topic Guides") - can be found here.
9/1/25 IMG/DA flow chart - See below for a flow chart of how process works
This is where you can find all the links to central teaching attached to each event. Training Support team work with educators to ensure the smooth running of educational activities and targeted content tailored to your needs
The ARCP team organise the School's assessment calendar. Ensuring scheduled panel dates are appropriate to your progression through training
The Placements team oraganise your placements under the direction of TPDs, ensuring all sites, supervisors and yourselves are made aware
Feb/March 2025
Dec24/ Jan 25
Oct/Nov 24
Aug/Sep 24
July/Aug 24
May 24
March/April 24
Feb 24
See documents below for flowcharts.
"What Is ARCP?" is a good place to start if you're new to training and want clarification on this process.
We have created a checklist tool for each training year. (see below).
Remember, the RCGP Website is where the latest guidance can always be found. Guidance presented on this SharePoint is correct at time of publishing.
If you still have questions about your requirements after reading this guidance, we suggest asking your Educational Supervisor or Training Programme Directors for advice.