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Online Resources

This page provides a wealth of helpful and supportive resources that we have collated, which you may find beneficial when planning your time out of training or preparing for your return. 

Resources for all Postgraduate Doctors in Training (PGDiTs)

Support for Doctors

The Academy of Medical Royal College's Support for Doctors webpage acts as a signposting service and includes useful links to resources for doctors who are experiencing difficulties.


The Doctors' Support Network

The Doctors' Support Network is a free, confidential peer support network that supports you with improving your wellbeing by safely connecting with other medics that have similar concerns.



Quesmed is a free learning resource to help you return to training. Collaborating with NHS England, they have developed a question-based resource to help you review key concepts and scenarios you may face when managing patients on the frontline. To access Quesmed you will need to create an account on their platform.


The Royal Medical Benevolent Fund

The Royal Medical Benevolent Fund offers financial assistance to doctors in times of need. They also offer financial advice and telephone befriending to those who are feeling isolated and require support. 


Feeling Lost: You are not alone

Consultants and Postgraduate Doctors in Training (PGDiTs) share their stories of challenges in their training - some personal, some professional - hopeful messages and advice on how to seek support.

Whilst this has been developed by Paediatrics, there are lots of general themes that would be relevant to all specialities.


Virtual Reality Team Working

This virtual reality (VR) resource was developed by the SuppoRTT team in NHS England for doctors returning to training. Covering the topic of teamworking, three resources have been created to support training doctors specialising in medicine, surgery and paediatrics.

In each VR scenario, learners will experience a busy ward with a team of colleagues and have opportunities to practice communication and leadership skills in a safe, virtual environment.

For links to access, and guidance on using the resources, download the user guide


Remote Consulting

This is an online e-learning and immersive 360° video resource based around a remote consultation. It was originally developed with shielding/displaced Postgraduate Doctors in Training (PGDiTs) in mind; however, this is a useful resource for anyone consulting remotely. It addresses key skills including communication, using the multidisciplinary team, clinical management and safeguarding, as well as offering the opportunity to 'step inside' the consultation from the patient's perspective! 


Escalating Concerns and Speaking Up

This virtual reality (VR) resource was developed by the SuppoRTT team in NHS England for doctors returning to training, which uses a clinical scenario to explore the topic of Escalating Concerns and Speaking Up, skills that are increasingly recognised as contributing to the quality and safety of care for patients. Learners will explore techniques and develop skills in a safe, virtual environment.

You can register on the Learning Hub, or login with your existing account details to access the resource.

The resource can be accessed on a PC, laptop, tablet or smartphone. The VR video is compatible with VR headsets, including cardboard headsets in combination with a smartphone, and also VR viewers.


E-Learning for Healthcare 

The NHS E-learning for Healthcare platform has a range of online modules which can assist with you developing/refreshing clinical competencies and professional behaviours.



FutureNHS is an online space for communities of practice and collaboration to share educational resources and experiences. Communities are created as 'Workspaces', with over 270 workspaces that you can join. They range from a Primary Care Networks and Practice Support Hub to an Integrated Care Learning Network, to a sharing platform for Patient Safety. Postgraduate Doctors in Training (PGDiTs) taking a period of time out may find these workspaces beneficial to keep up to date with their clinical knowledge and developments in practice. To access the system, you will need to register with an NHS email address. Once registered, log on to the site and click on 'My Workspaces' then 'Find a Workspace' to browse the communities available.


MySuppoRTT Videos

Close Your Eyes - the Memories of Staff from University Hospitals Bristol


Double Shift - Life as a Parent and a Doctor


Life After Loss - A Story of Bereavement


Life, Death and Doing it All Again Tomorrow


The Enemy Within - the Imposter Phenomenon


The Run - A Story of Resilience


Speciality Specific Resources 


Webinars for Returning Paediatrics 

The Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health has published a range of webinars that Paediatric Postgraduate Doctors in Training (PGDiTs) may find beneficial in preparing for their return to clinical duties and increasing their clinical confidence.  


Educational Videos for Returning Paediatric Postgraduate Doctors in Training (PGDiTs

"EVRT" (Educational Videos for Returning Postgraduate Doctors in Training (PGDiTs) is a SCH junior doctor-led video project funded by NHSE and supported by GGME, designed to aid junior doctors returning to front-line Paediatric work at Sheffield Children's Hospital from time out of training. These videos were produced in 2021, and plans are currently underway to update these according to the 2024 APLS guidance.

EVRT: Cardiac Arrest









EVRT: Supraventricular Tachychardia (SVT)









EVRT: Burns and Toxic Shock Syndrome









EVRT: Seizure Requiring Buccal Midazolam










Educational Resources for Anaesthetists

The Royal College of Anaesthetists has a range of e-learning materials, podcasts and webinar recordings that can support you in refreshing your clinical knowledge.


Educational Resources for Emergency Medicine Postgraduate Doctors in Training (PGDiTs)

The Royal College of Emergency Medicine has an online platform that provides a range of articles, case studies and podcasts relating to all aspects of emergency medicine, which you may find helpful for familiarisation and refreshing clinical knowledge prior to your return. 


Educational Resources for GPs

The Royal College of General Practitioners has a range of evidence-based educational materials that can support you with keeping up to date with your clinical knowledge.


Life in the Fast Lane

Life in the Fast Lane provide an ECG Library and Critical Care Compendium, which are free educational resources covering topics relevant to Emergency Medicine and Critical Care.


Back in Orbit

The School of Ophthalmology recognises that specific challenges faced by Postgraduate Doctors in Training (PGDiTs) when returning to work after time out (e.g., for parental leave, sick leave, career break or OOP). Guided by the findings of a regional survey in 2020 of current and former Postgraduate Doctors in Training (PGDiTs)  who have experience of this, they have developed a toolkit of resources for educational supervisors, college tutors and returning Doctors to aid re-integration into training following time away.