Workforce, training and education
Yorkshire and Humber

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Search results

  1. Core Surgical Training CT1

    ... is an integral part of the Yorkshire and Humber School of Surgery which is led by Mr Paul Renwick, Head of School. The aims of the ... Programme Directors, listed here . In order to assess your suitability for this training programme please refer to the national ...

    Tony Blacker - 07/17/2023 - 13:43

  2. Yorkshire & Humber Anaesthesia Training - West Region

    ... one self contained unit, plus a satellite treatment suite.  Surgery undertaken includes general, orthopaedic, trauma, urology, gynaecology, ... you will have  the opportunity to do so too depending on your training requirements. The Trust serves a very large and diverse ...

    Tony Blacker - 11/16/2019 - 19:15