Workforce, training and education
Yorkshire and Humber

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Search results

  1. ACF Plastic Surgery (Leeds)

    ... Applicants who submit more than three applications in one national round of recruitment will have the additional applications withdrawn by the ...

    Anna Tigg - 11/19/2024 - 09:37

  2. ACF Trauma & Orthopaedics (Leeds)

    ... Applicants who submit more than three applications in one national round of recruitment will have the additional applications withdrawn by the ...

    Anna Tigg - 11/19/2024 - 07:29

  3. ACF Paediatrics (Leeds)

    ... Applicants who submit more than three applications in one national round of recruitment will have the additional applications withdrawn by the ...

    Anna Tigg - 11/19/2024 - 09:35

  4. ACF General Surgery (Leeds)

    ... Applicants who submit more than three applications in one national round of recruitment will have the additional applications withdrawn by the ...

    Anna Tigg - 11/19/2024 - 09:38

  5. ACF Medical Microbiology (Leeds)

    ... Academic Clinical Fellowships (ACFs) are 3 year fixed-term national training posts.  They attract an NTN(A) and trainees undertake 75% ... for will be required to undertake the national clinical recruitment process and attend an assessment/interview for that GMC specialty ...

    Anna Tigg - 12/08/2022 - 09:07

  6. Palliative Medicine ST3 - Round 3

    ... suitability for this training programme please refer to the national Person Specifications on the  Specialty Training  website. The ... training. A full guidance document entitled “Physician Recruitment – Indicative Guidance Regarding...” is also available from ...

    Tony Blacker - 07/04/2024 - 08:52

  7. ACF Rheumatology (Leeds)

    ... Applicants who submit more than three applications in one national round of recruitment will have the additional applications withdrawn by the ...

    Anna Tigg - 11/19/2024 - 07:29

  8. ACF Rehabilitation Medicine (Leeds)

    ... Academic Clinical Fellowships (ACFs) are 3 year fixed-term national training posts.  They attract an NTN(A) and trainees undertake 75% ... for will be required to undertake the national clinical recruitment process and attend an assessment/interview for that GMC specialty ...

    Anna Tigg - 12/08/2022 - 09:09

  9. ACF General Surgery (Leeds)

    ... Academic Clinical Fellowships (ACFs) are 3 year fixed-term national training posts.  They attract an NTN(A) and trainees undertake 75% ... for will be required to undertake the national clinical recruitment process and attend an assessment/interview for that GMC specialty ...

    Anna Tigg - 12/08/2022 - 09:06

  10. ACF Vascular Surgery (Leeds)

    ... Academic Clinical Fellowships (ACFs) are 3 year fixed-term national training posts.  They attract an NTN(A) and trainees undertake 75% ... for will be required to undertake the national clinical recruitment process and attend an assessment/interview for that GMC specialty ...

    Anna Tigg - 12/08/2022 - 09:10