Workforce, training and education
Yorkshire and Humber

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Your Road to Success

We will go through much of this information at your initial induction but it's here if you need to access it.

Your training programme (as a full time GP trainee) is essentialy divided into six posts, each lasting six months.

Threeof these posts (18months) may be based in secondary care  such as GP clincial posts in Psychiatry,  Obstetrics & Gynaecology, Oncology, Paediatrics, Med Elderly, ENT, Ophthalmology, A&E or Rheumatology, a valuable opportunity to observe and appreciate care being delivered in secondary care setting. If you have specific queries about your clinical posts please contact the designated TPD for this post. 

The remaining three posts (18montsh) would usually be spent in General Practice. Your last 12 months of training are usually reserved for training in General Practice.

Learning Stations 

The training scheme is here to help you along your journey to becomning an independant General Practitioner, whether this may be through supporting you through your clinical posts, Work Place Based Assessments (WPBAs), or helping you through your RCGP assessments like the Applied Knowledge Test (AKT) and Clinical Skills Assessment (CSA)

In order to tailor your journey to success we have designed a number of learnig stations along the way for you to benefit from;

The Half Day Release Programme  (HDR)

The Wednesday Lunchtime Tutorials (WLT)

Modular Day Courses (MDC)

Pit Stops

We understand life can change and throw unexpected events at us. If you feel you are struggling or need a break the Bradford GP training Scheme are here to support you through. Whether you're thinking of starting a family and taking maternity/paternity leave, reducing your workng hours to less than full time or need time out of training feel free to drop one of our TPDs a line and we'll do our very best to support you through this.


Half Day Release (HDR) Programme - Innovative Learning

Half Day Release (HDR)

All GP trainees (i.e. trainees in GP and hospital posts) are welcome (and expected) to attend for the whole afternoon for at least 80% of the time. we understand at times this may not be possible (where you may be on leave, sick or held back due to unforseen circumstances). In these cases please ensure you infomr the scheme administarator as soon as this is possible at We have asked all trainers (GP and hospital based) to release trainees as attendance at HDR is a compulsory part of your training. HDR takes place every Tuesday afternoon at Field House Teaching Centre at the Bradford Teaching Hospitals Foundatin Trust. 

'...and remeber don't forget to sign the register!'

...Together Tuesdays 

The HDR programme is planned and produced by the Training Programme Directors (TPDs) together with the trainees on the scheme. Dr. Lucy Clark is the named TPD with overseeing this responsibility and can be contacted at Sessions vary from being facilitated by specialist clincians, TPDs, trainers/intending trainers, external speakers and by trainees themselves. Sessions usually start at 1400 in the afternoon and can take shape in a number of forms. you can access the timetable for HDR sesison here.


On a lighter note here's our choosen video of the month for you to enjoy..


Small Group Work

Working in small groups is one of the most important aspect of the Half Day Release (HDR) as it encourages mutual support and challenge, shared learning, teamwork in a safe environment. This platform also allows for teaworking and development of tolerance and mutual respect. 

These are skills for your lifelong learning, as well as for life in general practice (and are also assessed by some of the components of MRCGP assessments). We hope the groups will create a safe space in which difficult or uncomfortable issues can be discussed in confidence. 


 Horses for Courses ...

There are four types of session frequently used at Half Day Release to appeal to different learning personalities and styles. These include;

Structured Sessions: Sometimes using an external resource in which we aim to explore important areas of General Practice ‘beyond the textbooks’, which you may otherwise not met in everyday practice, nor covered in topic based tutorials.

Group Sessions: These may include case discussions, “hot topics” and Problem Based Learning (PBL). Other sessions involve the group exploring a topic/theme by looking at the literature, visiting community based projects or NHS services, contacting local experts etc. Groups then give a presentation to the whole scheme. By doing these sessions you develop presentation skills as well as exploring subjects in new ways and in depth whilst doing your preparation. There are  four groups called Chameloin, Garam Masala, Diversity and ??????

Which group am I in?

3 Tier Sessions: Instead of breaking into our usual groups we split into:

  • ST1s and ST2s in Hospital Posts – focusing our learning around your primary care relevant learning experiences
  • ST1 and ST2s in GP posts – focusing our learning around consultation skills, theory and the MRCGP Applied Knowledge Test (AKT).
  • ST3s in GP posts – focusing our learning around the MRCGP Clinical Skills Assessment (CSA) exam in the first 6 months and going through an “exit programme” in the second six months of the year.

Simulated Patient Sessions: Using simulated patients to deliver consultation skills teaching and practicing mock MRCGP Clinical Skills Assessment (CSA) exams.

Wednesday Lunchtime Tutorials - Bitesize learning

...Whacky Wednesdays 

Wednesday Lunchtime Tutorials (WLTs) are for all trainees in GP posts (ST1, ST2 and ST3s in GP posts). The focus of these sessions is knowledge, application in practice and helping you to cover a broad range of the RCGP curriculum.  Some tutorials may be focussed aorund the MRCGP AKT and CSA exams; others are aimed at practical everyday things, or more difficult areas. 

Who, What, Where & When?

Weds tutorials are held at The Ridge Medical Centre, Cousen Road, Bradford, BD7 3JX. You are better off parking on the nearby roads, (taking care with parking notices!)  than in the practice car park, which is usually full.

The session runs from 13.30pm – 14.45 pm.  They start punctually – so be there on time! 

Who Me?

Wednesday Lunchtime Tutorials (WLTs) will be predominantly trainee led with input and support from Trainers.   We think this is a good way to ensure they:

  • are focused on things you feel you need to learn,
  • are pitched at an appropriate level,
  • help you to develop skills in planning and delivering educational events.

The trainer’s role will be to use their educational skills to:

  1. help you develop your educational planning skills,
  2. help you develop your teaching skills,
  3. help you to make your session have educational impact and come alive.

How far the trainer gets involved is up to you and them.  In most cases we expect the trainer and trainee to develop and design the session and the trainee to deliver it.  In other cases, both the trainer and trainee may want to jointly plan and deliver the tutorial or the trainer may want to come to simply observe, or the trainee deliver and report back to their trainer.  And if there are several trainees in one practice, we would urge you to get together to run a joint session – sharing ideas, responsibilities and the delivery.

In summary, the way in which you plan and deliver a Wednesday Lunchtime Tutorials (WLTs) are numerous – and it’s up to you and your trainer to decide.

So What Now?

For those of you in GP only…

  • Take a look at the Weds tutorial timetable
  • Talk to your trainer and decide on a suitable date.
  • Add your name to that date
  • Talk to your trainer and decide on a suitable topic. 
    Review the Curriculum Statement Headings for some ideas and inspiration. Then access the timetable again and update your session with the title of your topic.
  • Arrange a meeting with your trainer to discuss the next steps in preparation for the Weds tutorial.
  • Don’t forget to read this webpage for additional advice:

Building Your Session

If you are facilitating a Weds tutorial try to ensure all members have the opportunity to contribute.  Aim for a group environment in which you can create a safe space in which difficult or uncomfortable issues can be discussed in confidence. And remember, it is always okay for the group to decide to change the agenda and deal with a more pressing aspect of the topic under discussion.


  • Register –   there is now a sheet on spreadsheet for you to add your name to record attendance.
  • Most of the time, your practice should only give you ONE home visit to on a Wednesday to help you get here on time.  If you have any problems please discuss with your trainer.


  • If you bring a presentation on a USB stick, please remember that it has to be an NHS approved smart stick.   If you don’t have one of these, then consider emailing the presentation to yourself and then accessing it from our internet-connected computer in the meeting room, you can log in with your normal Bradford.nhs account.
  • If you have any photocopying requirements prior to your session, please consider options such as using the library facility at Field House, getting someone from your own practice to do it, or alternatively email who may be able to help if you provide enough notice.
  • Evaluation – the scheme sends a surveymonkey evaluation every 6m for the overall programme. If you would like specific evaluation of a session you deliver (recommended) then design this in e.g. design a paper form for completion at the time. There is a standard surveymonkey template you can ask admin.GP to modify and send out.
Modular Day Course (MDC) Programme - Learning Designed Around You

Modular Day Courses (MDC)

Modular courses are run for trainees in hospital posts who may struggle to get to HDR every week due to ward committments..  Some of the topics are held twice to give you the flexibility to attend one of the two.  Your consultants are aware how important it is for you to attend these as they count towards your mandatory HDR attendance.  Please do not leave booking time off until the last minute – hospital departments will need to arrange cover to be able to function satisfactorily without you. 


Something for everyone.. 

The programme is put together by Dr. Jessica Keeble, who is the named TPD responsible for the MDC programme. Jess cam be contacted at

The MDC topics include 

  • Scheme Induction (2 Days)
  • Workplace Based Assessment (2 Days)
  • AKT Preparation (2 Days)
  • Medical Ethics
  • Patient Safety
  • Safeguarding
  • Do You Speak English?
  • IMG Course
  • ARCP Preparation
  • CBT
  • Introduction to the CSA. 

For information on dates and time please see timtable attached below

Need a Life Coach?

What is Coaching?

Do you need some safe space and time to think without being judged?  Are you considering a change in your life/work? 

In that case coaching may help. Coaching allows you to think things through in a way that is different to talking things over with a friends, partners, TPDs or colleagues.  Your coach can facilitate you in this thinking process by supporting and challenging you at particular junctures helping you to reah your desired outcome.

...Coach Me

You can access a  list of experienced coaches based across Yorkshire and Humber available to help you. To register your ineterest please  contact with your name, grade, place of work and specialty. It's completely free for you.  You can choose a coach local to you so you won’t have to travel far. Some coaches even offer coaching via phone/skype to amke it easier. Some coaches run their sessions at their place of work, some at their home, some at the deanery offices. For more information please got to the deanary link for coaching.

Out Of hours Sessions

Out Of hours Sessions

In GP posts you will be expected to engage in Out of Hour (OOH) sessions (i.e. on-call sessions for General Practice). You are required to complete a total of 36 hours per six months.  These are compulsory.  There are three types of OOH sessions; PCC (base), mobile (home visit) and telephone assessment (call centre) sessions. We recomend you do a mixture of all three types. Sessions typically run from 6.30pm through till 8am on weekdays and 24 hours on the weekends and bank holidays until the next working day morning 8am. 

PCC Sessions 

PCC (Primary Care Centre) or base OOH sessions are in Bradford held at Eccleshill Community Hospital  and the Bradford Royal Infirmary. These are essentially normal surgery layout where you will be seeing patients who need to see a GP out of hours. You will need to bring your usual doctors bag with your normal equipment (thermometer, sphyg, Otoscope, ophthalmoscope etc.) for this session as well as your SMART card. You will be supervised by a GP OOH supervisor at all times during these sessions so there's always someone to discuss your cases with. 

Remember If you're struggling to get OOH sessions for your desired dates remember you call always speak to the rota team at local care direct (the service provider organisation) to request to do sesisons at other sites out side brdaford (Huddersfield, Halifax, Otley, Ilkley, Skipton, Dewsbury, Wakefield, Pontefract and Leeds.


Mobile OOH sessions

Mobile OOH sessions run from Westbourne Green Hospital. these sessions involve visiting the housebound patients who can't come to the PCC to see a GP. Often these pateints will be palliative, housebound, elderly and/or frail. You will not be expected to use your own vehicle for these visits. There is a driver and vehicle provided and a again an OOH GP Supervisor will always accompany you on your visits. You will need to bring your usual doctors bag with your normal equipment (thermometer, sphyg, Otoscope, ophthalmoscope etc.) for this session as well as your SMART card. 


Telephone Assessment 

The third type of OOH session is a telephone assessment session. This involves working from one of the call centres either in Penine Business Park,  Bradley or Lexicon House in Leeds. This involves taking calls from patients, nursing homes, ambulance crews and deciding on whether they need treatement, advice or seeing face to face. You can fax prescriptions to pharmacies across West Yorkshire from the call centres. you will have a specific induction for this role once you start. Again you will always be supervised by an OOH GP supervisor for the duration of your session - you're not alone!! 

NB. You may want to use these sesisons to cpomplete your Audio COT which is one of your Work Place Based Assessment (WBPA)


Booking OOH Sessions 

To book sessions you can log on to the LCD rotamaster with your username and password (given to you at your separate OOH induction). If you don't have one please contact Naomi Assame at

Alternatively you can contact the rota team on or ring on 01484 487272 to book into sessions. If  for any reason your supervisor has not arrived or you are having problems you can always ring the duty manager for your session on 01484 487272.   If you are having any probelms with your OOH sessions please contact Dr. Abid Iqbal the TPD responsible for OOHs working at



Taking Time Out

Holidays in June

This may be a bad idea because the ARCP panels are held then and many Trainees find they need to do a lot of work on their ePortfolios immediately before. Also the panel may require some additional information in order to ensure you have progressed satisfactarily. 

Long holidays

If you want a long holiday (e.g. for your honeymoon, or to visit people in distant parts of the globe), please do not book it before talking to the rota co-ordinator (hospital) or Trainer/Practice Manager (GP) for the post you’ll be in when you want to go.  In most hospital posts the rota won’t work if you take more than two weeks, and in some cases it’s hard for them to work round more than one week.  In General Practice it may be difficult if several doctors are away at the same time.

Less than full time working (LTFT)

If you are likely to want to work part-time, it will be much easier to arrange in General Practice.  For hospital posts, we can try and arrange job shares but if there is no one to share your post you may not be guaranteed a place in Bradford.  Supernumerary part time posts are now only considered on health grounds (we hope this will change, but that is the current policy). Dr. Nick Price is the named TPD responsible for managing queries around LTFT posts. He can be contacted at

Out of Programme Experience (OOPE)

This may be granted after one year on the scheme, with a view to obtaining clinical or research experience in a different setting, or a career break.  Requests must be individually approved by the TPDs and the Deanery.   The deadline is 31st July for OOPE the following August! So. In practice only usually possible at the end of ST2.

Struggling with Training?

Struggling with Training?

If you find yourself in difficulty, please talk to us sooner rather than later.    Remember that there are a number of people who will be available to you;

Your hospital Consultant if you are in a hospital post

Your GP Trainer if you are in a GP post

Your Educational Supervisor (this will be confirmed to you once you have started on the scheme)

Your TPD Advisor.  Each Trainee is assigned to one of the five TPDs (this will be confirmed to you once you have started on the scheme)

Join the BMA now – they can help with employment problems.

There is a confidential counselling service free for Trainees (please speak to your designated TPD to acceess this)

The GP Health Service 

Theres more information for designed for GP Trainees experiencing difficulty at


This is a forum for trainees to share comments and ideas. Please feel free to post but note that comments will be visible to your colleagues. 
