We aim to provide you with all the advice you need to make informed decisions about your career throughout your early years. We do this through a network of advisors from Educational Supervisors through to Associate Deans.
In addition to the personal advice provided by Health Education England working across Yorkshire and the Humber you may also find the following resources useful.
A national initiative - the site takes you through the four stages of career planning. There's also comprehensive data on each medical specialty including workforce statistics, competition ratios, growth areas and projections about future opportunities. We particulary recommend you to visit the following highlights:
Modernising Medical Careers
Key information regarding specialty training and applications plus national events. Includes links to other relevant websites.
Medical and Dental Recruitment and Selection.
Careers @ BMJ
A wide range of articles about different aspects of career choice, planning and progression, usually written from personal experience.
Health Education / Royal Colleges / Specialties Websites
Increasingly these are being developed and updated regarding career choices and queries, with some excellent FAQ sections. Worth exploring.
A generic step by step process to enable you to identify your strengths, values and ethics which can then be mapped against a range of career and specialty options
Sci 59
Free to members of the BMA, Sci59 is an on-line psychometric tool from the Open University designed to help medical students and doctors make career decisions. It can be used to raise your personal awareness of your strengths and weaknesses. It then maps these against the specialties to produce a list of the 10 best matches and the 10 least suitable matches. Most appropriate for use by final year medical students or those in the Foundation years, particularly if you are totally undecided.
To aid your research into the various specialties we have a wealth of information on local training programmes available. Please visit our Schools pages for further information.
Like the general population, some doctors are disabled or have long term health conditions.
Health Education England working across Yorkshire and the Humber, recognise that disabled doctors have a lot to offer and their contribution to the medical profession should be celebrated. Trainees should be supported to fully participate in clinical practice, education and training and it is the responsibility of the Postgraduate Dean to ensure that happens for every trainee.
Trainees with a disability are encouraged to contact the Learner Support and Faculty Development team via welcomedandvalued.yh@hee.nhs.uk. The team will then signpost to the resources already in place to support them. Examples include (but are not limited to);
- Confidential Counselling Services
- Opportunity to discuss Less than Full-time training options
- Careers Advice
- Individualised tailored support via discussion with Postgraduate Schools
Please read through our document Registration, Licencing and Revalidation for useful information on requirements when not in a training post
HEEYH run a range of free generic skills courses designed to help you progress through your training, some with a specific focus on careers and career planning. Please check our courses page for more information and guidance on how to book your place