Workforce, training and education
Yorkshire and Humber

Trainer Resources


Below are various resources which will be useful to GP Trainers in Yorkshire and the Humber.

Existing GP Trainers can access further resources on the GP Clinical Supervisors - Clinical Supervisor #Hub Page (, and can access guidance from the RCGP.


Consultation Skills Resources

Click here for the NW England Consultation toolkit overview document and Consultation analysis tool to help you and your Trainer analyse and improve your GP consultation skills. Although these are stand alone pdf documents they contain the same valuable educational activities that are in the 14 Fish toolkit, for you to use as you identify tasks and skills you need to work on.

Global Skills 
Structures consultation - red and green criteria and educational activities
Avoids repetition - red and green criteria and educational activities
Progresses through tasks - red and green criteria and educational activities
Finishes data gathering by 6 mins - red and green criteria and educational activities
Uses clear language - red and green criteria and educational activities
Remains responsive to the patient - red and green criteria and educational activities

Opens consultation and explores problem - red and green criteria and educational activities
Discovers patient's psycho-social context - red and green criteria and educational activities
Identifies cues - red and green criteria and educational activities
Discovers patient’s ICE - red and green criteria and educational activities
Generates _ tests diagnostic hypotheses - red and green criteria and educational activities
Rules in _ out serious disease - red and green criteria and educational activities
Undertakes appropriate examination and tests - red and green criteria and educational activities
Makes a working diagnosis - red and green criteria and educational activities
Offers a safe patient centred management plan - red and green criteria and educational activities
Provides follow up_safety net - red and green criteria and educational activities

Interpersonal Skills
Generates rapport - red and green criteria and educational activities
Uses open questions appropriately - red and green criteria and educational activities
Clarifies and explores cues offered - red and green criteria and educational activities
Listens and shows curiosity - red and green criteria and educational activities
Uses closed questions appropriately - red and green criteria and educational activities
Verbalises thinking - red and green criteria and educational activities
Seeks informed consent - red and green criteria and educational activities
Verbalises diagnosis and rationale - red and green criteria and educational activities
Shares and uses ICE in plan - red and green criteria and educational activities
Negotiates and uses psycho-social information in plan - red and green criteria and educational activities
Supports in decision making - red and green criteria and educational activities


Capability Descriptors

These progress descriptors have been developed by the RCGP to provide guidance as to the standard which trainees would be expected to reach at different stages in their training journey. Trainees will do a mixture of hospital and GP posts in their ST1 and 2 years, so we would consider the second column to be the standard expected after the first GP post, and the third column to be the standard expected after the second GP post, whether these posts take place in ST1 or ST2.


These descriptors may be used along side the Milestones document, for benchmarking purposes, but are not mandatory.


Capability Descriptors

English Language Support

Alongside linguistic central courses which run across all training year groups, there are a number of trainee led interventions that will help develop fluency in British English when consulting.

  • Welcome | Doctors Speak Up  the Doctor’s speak up resource – it is free online. It is Australian so there are elements of Australian slang that are not relevant but a lot of useful consultation discussions on different topics. There is also specific advice for trainees from particular countries eg China, Indian sub-continent.
  • Professional English in Use by Glendinning Professional English in Use Medicine: Glendinning, Eric: 9780521682015: Books is a user friendly book with interactive chapters that one could dip in and out of – variety of vocab sets and everyday language for different aspects of medicine
  • Watching soap operas e.g. Emmerdale for Yorkshire accent or any other genre of film / series that is of interest.  Where possible watch with English subtitles on so hear and see language at same time.
  • Fostering a good relationship with practice receptionist, practice nurse, hospital porters etc – ask them for help with colloquialisms and slang – also helps understand and address any power imbalance in health hierarchy
  • Join club relating to interest – for example the ramblers walking club or similar – lots of opportunities for talking to others while walking outdoors (take rain protective gear and flask with hot drink).
  • Social Media – several platforms run weekly improving English courses – eg facebook
  • Kate Fox – Watching the English (book)