Workforce, training and education
Yorkshire and Humber

Welcome to the School of Psychiatry



An Introduction from the Head of School


Our region

The Yorkshire and Humber region is a large and diverse area that encompasses three national parks, an extensive coastline, and the historic cities of Leeds, Sheffield, Bradford, Hull and York. It is the perfect location to set down roots and train in psychiatry.

Most of our trainees attended one of the three local medical schools (Leeds, Sheffield and Hull-York) or foundation rotations, but we are always delighted to welcome trainees from other parts of the UK and other parts of the world. We are centrally located and should you wish to venture outside the region there are excellent transport links with the rest of the UK.

Our rotations

The School of Psychiatry provides four Core Psychiatry rotations based around the counties of North, East, South and West Yorkshire, and each year we offer run-through placements in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. Core trainees attend a mandatory Psychiatry Training Course and our MRCPsych pass rates are consistently above the national average.

The psychiatry specialty CCTs are all provided in ST 4-6, with two rotations in General Adult, two rotations in Old Age, two rotations in Child and Adolescent, and one rotation each in Forensic, Intellectual Disability and Medical Psychotherapy. There is a strong commitment to provide dual training CCTs with opportunities for General Adult-Old Age, Forensic-Psychotherapy, Forensic-CAMHS, Intellectual disability-CAMHS and Psychotherapy-CAMHS.

The links with local universities allow opportunities for ACF and Clinical Lecturer posts, and we support Leadership and Teaching Fellow secondments, and bursaries for academic interests.

Our values

We value diversity and wellbeing. We recognise that trainees are increasingly keen to pursue more flexible training pathways and we are committed to supporting less than full time and out of programme training experiences. Core and Specialty Psychiatry training is the start of a long career pathway, and we work together with trainees to provide a consistent and high-quality training experience as you begin this journey.


Most of our trainees remain in the region and become valued colleagues.  We look forward to meeting you!


For more information please contact me by e-mail