Internal Medicine
Medical training is changing for the better!
To train the doctors of today for the patients of tomorrow medical training is becoming more generalised and more trainees are going to receive training in general internal medicine.
Core Medical Training (CMT) is becoming "Internal Medicine Stage 1" and changing from 2 to 3 years.
Most specialties will then dual certify with "Internal Medicine Stage 2" and the higher specialty training in many specialties will reduce from 5 to 4 years resulting in no overall lengthening of training but with consultants being better generalists.
The School of Medicine in Yorkshire and the Humber is working hard to prepare for the first transition in 2019 with CMT changing to IM1 for that August's intake (trainees on the existing programme will be unaffected and remain in CMT).
Further information is available from the JRCPTB website.
For JRCPTBs May 2018 Curriculum update see the bottom of this page