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Health Toolbox



The collaborative local knowledge resource for professional care communities.

Health Toolbox is an award-winning UK based website set up and run by NHS doctors. It is a collaborative local knowledge resource for healthcare professionals that deserve a safe induction. It acts as a wikipedia of how to get stuff done in hospitals. Each hospital has its own domain, co-ordinated by a lead editor who reviews the information, and a senior clinician who provides support and continuity.

What is Health Toolbox?

Health Toolbox is a secure online information resource set up by Postgraduate Doctors in Training (PGDiT) to help better orientate themselves with their hospital and department. Including contact numbers, referral methods, ward handbooks & guidelines.

Why does it matter? 

Easily accessible information at local level ensures that healthcare professionals can be efficient and effective in carrying out their role. This in turn has positive impacts on patient safety as well as education and training.

Find out the phone number you need and avoid the wait at switchboard. Then dial it directly from your phone

Quickly access hospital specific information such as how to make referrals to different specialities or how request investigations. Find a 'survival guide' handbook for your job written by another clinician to help you hit the ground running.

What can it do? 

Toolbox is estimated to save 40 minutes per trainee per day. At a typical NHS Trust with 60 users, this could save £200,000 per hospital every year.








What information is Health Toolbox for?

  • Handbooks written by doctors in training for their job and speciality.
  • Contact details, e.g., phone numbers, bleep numbers and emails.
  • Local information, e.g., how to make speciality referrals, or know how on requesting investigations.
  • A resource for teaching and post-graduate medical education.

Some trusts have their clinical guidelines on their toolbox, some have teaching videos and others share teaching calendars. 

Trusts that are currently using Health Toolbox 

For those involved in the running of the trusts Health Toolbox, see our Newsletter for recent updates.

Accessing Health Toolbox 

Download the app, or access via the Health Toolbox website

The app downloads the content of your hospital toolbox and stores it for future reading, even when offline.

When your device becomes online, the app reconnects to the server and is updated to the latest version.

To download the mobile app, you need a recent iOS™ or Android™ device.

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Creating an Account 

Register for a free account online, using your work email address

Can I contribute to my Trust's Toolbox? 

Yes! Anyone can contribute, either by sending feedback or by becoming editors. Becoming an editor is about creating and maintaining a local medical knowledge base and communicating with teams across the trust. Some trusts estimate for this work to be acceptable as a Quality Improvement Project for Postgraduate Doctors in Training so it’s worth asking your trust if you’re interested in becoming an editor of the Toolbox.

Editors are approved by local administrators. If you have discussed your desire to be an editor with your trust, they can directly add you to the site as an editor. Alternatively, you can submit an online request to become and editor which will be sent to them for approval.

Who might want to be an editor?

An F1 or F2 doctor, Core and Postgraduate Doctor in Training representatives. Contact your toolbox administrator or your clinical champion and if approved, you will be given editing rights to the site and pages.

Certificates can be provided for user contributions though these need to be requested.

Security and GDPR 

Health Toolbox is password protected, using industry standard encryption and is compliant with GDPR. Only approved clinicians have access to view and, where applicable, edit content on the site.

Health Toolbox vs. Dr Toolbox? 

You may have heard of or seen Dr Toolbox. Originally Health Toolbox was Dr Toolbox but the name was changed to be more inclusive and to reflect the needs of all hospital staff not just doctors!

Frequently Asked Questions

For FAQ’s, see the  Health Toolbox website.  


If you have any queries about Health Toolbox, please contact the Health Toolbox team: