Workforce, training and education
Yorkshire and Humber


Welcome to Yorkshire and Humber GP School! This information been created by trainees and aims to collate resources which you may find helpful prior to starting GP training. You will also have a local induction, more specific to your individual scheme. We hope you find the resource helpful and look forward to working with you all.



Mandatory tasks

1)     Become a GP trainee by registering with the Royal College of General Practitioners (RCGP)Register by going to their website: completing the online form and paying the registration fee. You will become an Associate in Training (AiT).

2)     Once registered with the RCGP, you can register with FourteenFish, for you ePortfolio. It is essential that you register for FourteenFish so you can be allocated to your supervisor.

3)     Complete and submit your form R part A. This needs to completed at the start of training, you will then complete part B later in the training year (for ARCP): 

4)     Ensure that you are registered for indemnity with MPS-  Medical Defence Indemnity | Health Education Yorkshire and Humber (

5)     Completion of pre-employment checks with local trust. You must engage with local induction and pre employment checks as this is what ensures you are officially an employee of the trust. 

6)    Join the BMA. If you have contractual disputes they will help you. Join the BMA

7)    Contact Supervisors. It is a good idea to make contact with your Educational Supervisor and Clinical Supervisor. You are required to have meetings at the start of your placement, which are evidenced in your ePortfolio. 

8) Get an E mail from your employer- Then use this form to register it with the school. We can add you to the school SharePoint Site where more information is available. You need to log into with your new nhs e mail befor accessing the link. Instructions re logging into shareoint are here.

9) Read the formal school starter guidance attached at the bottom of this page

Other Information

1) Assessment

Assessment in GP training is made up of work place based assessment (WPBA), eportfolio and formal college examinations (AKT and the SCA). 
Please find links to the WPBA requirements as stipulated by the RCGP and information regarding AKT preparation. The AKT can be sat during or after ST2, the SCA can be sat in ST3. 
At the time of writing the SCA had just gained GMC approval and is due to be implemented from November 2023.
2) IMG Support

There is additional help and support available for IMGs, please find the summary documents below. With thanks to Dr Donnar Ejiofor

3) OOP information- There are various opportunities for Out of Programme placements (OOP). OOP means taking time away from the GP training scheme to gain experience in other areas (such as leadership). Most OOP placements take place GPST2-3.

4) (Less than full time)

Guidance on how to apply for LTFT training & FAQs. There are many reasons why trainees may want to consider working LTFT. Below are the links to formal policy, applications form and FAQs.

5) Returning to work

Trainees returning to work, after a period of absence for three months or more, can access supported return to training: SuppoRTT. 
SuppoRTT is available to all trainees regardless of the reason for their absence, including planned out of programme experiences (OOPEs). Please find the details below.

6) Study Leave/ Expenses

Study leave is now applied for through Accent Leave Manager. Please find link and flowchart below. Local schemes differ in how their teaching impacts on study leave allowance.

You local trust will have their own expenses policy and system so you will need to contact the relevant department to get set up on the system to claim excess travel and expenses.

Please note your local trust is responsible for managing both leave and expenses

7) Neurodiversity

Undiagnosed neurodiversity has been identified as a reason for differential attainment in GP training. ALL new trainees are strongly encouraged to undertake free neurodiversity screening, please find the link below.

8) Absence Recording

For any absence from training please ensure that your clinical supervisor and HR department are informed. There are different employers for each training programme, each having varying processes for absence recording so please ensure that you familiarise yourself with your own employer’s policy.

In addition to the above step, all absence other than annual and study leave is considered ‘Time Out of Training’ (TOOT). This should be recorded on your ePortfolio so that there is an accurate record and calculation of your total training time.

9) Central Teaching Calendar - the school delivers some central teaching sessions - around one a month. These are on-line and mandatory. The timetable is here.


Most of all have a wonderful and fulfilling time during your time in GP Training!

IMG GP Trainee Starters

Information and Support is here.