Workforce, training and education
Yorkshire and Humber

GP Trainer Re-Approval.

Thank you for your dedicated work as a GP Trainer for the Yorkshire and the Humber School of General Practice. HEYH are aware of the demands of this highly skilled role and endeavour to maintain the high standards of training.

From 2014 the re-approval process changed to align with GMC statutory responsibility for GP Trainers. HEYH tries to minimise the administrative burden throughout the re-approval process, however the trainer must demonstrate their statutory responsibility for ensuring the quality of their General Practice Trainer’s role through a 5 yearly cycle of GP trainer re-approval, as stipulated by the GMC (2 years for new trainers).

The evidence will look to satisfy the GMC standards

In addition to these changes, we have changed the platform that we use for managing approval and re-approval applications from the previous web app to a system called PARE. The new process separates the approval and re-approval of practices from trainers to avoid repetition of submission of information. The PARE system has been used for re-approvals due from 31st July 2021 onward and a SWAY guide has been produced which can be found here.

Once again thank you for your continued support in this process. The FAQs shown below and the documents shown at the bottom of this page are available for further information in the first instance.

If you have any questions further to the information provided on these pages on the reapproval process please contact the Primary Care School, GP Trainer Approvals team.


From August 2023 the GP Trainer Reapproval process has been updated, you can read about the changes HERE.


How do I become re-approved as a GP Trainer?

5 components, over each reapproval cycle.

If you are a new trainer, with reapproval planned in 2 years, all 5 components need to be met in the initial 2-year period.  It will then be a further 5 years before the next reapproval date.

Attendance at 1-3, once within each cycle.  (Usually 5 years for established trainers, 2 years for new trainers)

  1. Attendance at the Experienced Educators Course
  2. Attendance at an ARCP panel as a reviewer
  3. Attendance at an exam update webinar
  4. Peer support – evidence of involvement at plenaries/trainer workshops.
  5. CPD – evidence of keeping updated in teaching and training education.


Experienced Educator’s Course

This is a one day, face to face event at a central location within Y&H, near rail transport.  

  The day will include.

  • Benchmarking of COT/CBD and CSR/ESR.
  • Using SharePoint and accessing the Milestones document.
  • The importance of Educator notes.
  • Having difficult conversations with trainees and ensuring assessment grading is accurate.
  • Sit and Swap surgeries.
  • Differential attainment.
  • Neurodiversity.
  • Opportunities for discussion, case studies and sharing of top tips and best practice.


ARCP panels

Reviewing on an ARCP panel provides benchmarking experience and an understanding of progression through training to CCT. Trainers consistently state how valuable the experience is, hence, it’s inclusion in the reapproval process. This will be a paid activity. There will be training available for those who require it.


Exam webinars

Attendance at one of these ensures up to date familiarity with the GP clinical exam, soon to be the SCA. Webinars run by RCGP, Y&H central webinars, or local scheme-based exam webinars can all be used for this component. These will run regularly throughout the year.


Peer Support

This is important as our trainer roles become increasingly pressurized. As with appraisal, we no longer require hours to be recorded, but there is an expectation of participation. Attendance at Trainers workshops, Plenaries, Spring and Autumn School are included here.



Similarly, hours of learning are no longer necessary to be recorded, but evidence of ongoing teaching and training education activity is expected. For example, the elements of reapproval count towards CPD.



All evidence needs to be uploaded to PARE.  

As previously, you will need to submit;

  • Equality and Diversity training certificate
  • LAT from the appraisal and revalidation team
  • TPD report


How does my Practice become a training site/What if there are changes to my current approved Practice site?

All sites from which training takes place need to be approved as an educational site and registered as such with the GMC.

I want to start training in a practice that is not a current training practice?

  • You need to register the practice on PARE using the following link
  •  This will trigger a practice approval process for multi-professional learning that will include a visit to complete an ‘audit tool’ on PARE. The visit will be conducted by an assessor from either the QA team or the Training Hub
  • The assessor will determine the whether the practice can be approved as a learning environment. If approved, the practice will be approved for multi-professional learning

My practice is moving site/ My practice is merging or federating with a practice not approved for training and I want my trainee to work at that site.

  • Please contact the GP Approvals team to determine if the new site needs approval
What if I am moving Practices?

I currently train within Yorkshire and the Humber

  • If the you are moving to a current training practice, then you should inform the GP approvals team and the local schemes involved. There is no other action required.
  • If you are moving to a non-training practice, then the practice needs to go through the formal approval process if the practice wishes to train (see above and site approval section in FAQs).

I have been approved in another Deanery and am moving into the Yorkshire and the Humber region

  • Your approval status is unchanged and you can continue to train dependent on the practice training status, as for trainers moving within Yorkshire and the Humber (see above and site approval section in FAQs).
  • You must inform the GP approvals team and your local scheme that you plan to start training in the area.
  • If you are in your first re-approval cycle you will have a re-approval within 2 years of your initial approval as per Y&H trainers. All other trainers will have a 5-year re-approval cycle.
  • You will be invited to and must attend the Y&H Experienced Educator Course before your next re approval.


How do I take a break from being a GP Trainer?
  • Fallow periods of up to 12 months (other than enforced due to gaps in rotations) should be agreed with the local scheme and the GP approvals team should be informed.
  • If the period is greater than 12 months then you need to show evidence of keeping up to date with training requirements and TPD support for returning to training. This will be assessed by the school lead on an individual trainer basis.

I am going on maternity leave

  • The local scheme and the GP approvals team should be informed. If the period is greater than 12 months then the trainer needs to show evidence of keeping up to date with training requirements and TPD support for returning to training.  This will be assessed by the school lead on an individual trainer basis.


What do I do if I no longer want to be a Trainer?

It is always with sadness that we have to accept that for various reasons trainers no longer wish to train. The deanery, schemes and trainees all appreciate the time and effort that you will have put into your training role.

  • Please confirm your intentions, including the exact date that you wish to stop training, by email to the GP approvals team.
  • The approvals team will inform the GMC on your behalf. Please note that you will not be able to train after the date you training status is taken off the GMC register.